Fabulous Food Friday, October 25, 2019 76 words, 30 seconds Fabulous Food Here’s a tasteful tip: Eat seasonally. The benefits are bountiful. By selecting foods that are grown in abundance and locally sourced, you’re getting produce that’s freshly picked and at its best flavor, while supporting nearby communities and minimizing the effect of long-distance transportation. For example, enjoy the heart-healthy superfood California avocados during spring and summer. As Chef Mike Fagnoni explains, he uses California avocados because their creamy texture truly elevates any recipe. Learn more at California-Avocado--dot--com. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20191025-141933-PL3179.jpg File: 20191025-141936-20191025-141933-PL3179.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20191025-141933-PL3179.pdf