Tailgate With Tangy Stuffed Mushrooms Tuesday, March 1, 2005 Cooking Lf Cornr Tips To Hlp You Tailgat With Tangy Stuffd Mushrooms iaoa ia Tal cor xtra points with “Tangy Sports Man Mushrooms.” (NAPSA)—Hr’s a dlicious ap- ptizr to kick off a tailgating party or to snack on whil watching th gam at hom. It’s “Tangy Sports Man Mushrooms,” a rcip cratd by Chris Wyrchowski of Vnic, Fla., that won him first priz in th H.J. Hinz Tailgat Rcip Contst. Chris’ rcip tams th smoky % pound ground pork sausag 1 (3-ounc) packag cram chs, softnd *% cup Jack Danil’s Original No. 7 Barbcu Rcip Sauc “”% cup Hinz 57 Stak Sauc % cup gratd Parmsan chs flavors of two Hinz saucs with th convninc of frsh mush- Prhat ovn to 350F. Rmov stms from th mush- Frsh mushrooms gt xtra points chop th stms; st asid. In a mdium skillt, mlt th buttr; lightly brush th mushroom caps with som of th rooms for asy, casual snacking. for thir surprising halth bn- fits, spcially for mn. Not only do thy supply ssntial potassium and B vitamins, mushroomsar also a good sourc of slnium, a trac minral shown to hlp rduc th risk of prostat cancr. rooms, laving caps intact; mltd buttr. In th rmaining buttr, ovr mdium hat, cook and stir th choppd mushroom stms, onions and sausag until fully cookd. Mor crowd-plasing mushroom Mix th cram chs, barb- Tangy Sports Man Mushrooms Hat, stirring constantly, until cram chs is mltd. Spoon th warm sausag mix- rcips ar at www.hinz.com and www.mushroominfo.com. 2 pounds larg mushrooms (about 18-20) 4 tablspoons buttr ’% cup Or-Ida Choppd Onions cu sauc and stak sauc into th sausag mixtur. tur into th mushroom Caps. Arrang in a shallow baking pan; sprinkl with Parmsan chs; bak 8 to 12 minuts. Yild: 18 - 20 apptizrs --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190816-190908-20190816-190906-65639.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190816-190906-65639.pdf