American Farmers Lead Way In Feeding And Caring For The World Tuesday, March 1, 2016 ye iS Porte ahattoe 7 ? American Farmers Lead Way In Feeding And Caring For The World (NAPSA)—Two of the most popular terms used today to describe food production in the United States are “stewardship” and “sustainability.” However, these terms are more than buzzwords. They’re two important goals of the nearly 2.2 million hardworking U.S. farmers and ranchers whostrive daily to help feed and clothe nearly 7.4 billion people worldwide through the careful, sustainable use of water, land, air and other resources. In fact, since our early history, America’s farmers and ranchers have been the original caretakers of the land. While their knowledge and use of technology have evolved greatly in the last century, their dedication remains the same. Farmers’ and ranchers’ prudent use of soil, water, fertilizers, seeds and other inputs not only helps ensure a bountiful harvest, but sustains those resources for generations to come. Thanks to innovations in genetics, GPS and precision equipment and other agronomic technologies, farmers today can more accurately and efficiently plant, fertilize, cultivate and har- vest crops and raise their livestock. The use of soil sensors and aerial imaging of fields helps farmers time and place inputs when and where plants need them most. As a result of these productivity-enhancing technologies, one farmer today can feed 155 other people while using 2 percent fewer inputs, all with less impact on the environment. Each spring, National Ag Day recognizes the accomplishmentsof America’s food producers. This year on March 15, consumers The world is in the good handsof America’s farmers. Emily Eibs, University of Wisconsin—Stout, created this year’s National Ag Dayposter. across the country can celebrate the role that farmers, ranchers and agribusinesses play in feeding the world and nurturing a healthy, thriving planet. According to the Agriculture Council of America, the national organization charged with promoting National Ag Day, this year’s themeis Agriculture: Stewards of a Healthy Planet. This theme demonstrates the tremendous responsibility and commitment that farmers and ranchers share in protecting the global environment as an important part of their livelihoods. Learn More About Agriculture Today To find out more about National Ag Day on March 15, visit You can read about how America’s agricultural producers are proudly leading the way in protecting the land, air and water while providing the food, fiber and fuel a growing world population needs. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190731-190355-20190731-190352-85150.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190731-190352-85150.pdf