Mastering Your Munchies Monday, March 1, 2004 “Snack Attacks” Can Be Scheduled Into Any Busy Workday (NAPSA)—Youw’re about to begin an important meeting, in the midst of a crucial sales negotiation or in the final throes of nailing down yourfiscal budget. Out of nowhere they hit: the munchies. If you’re like most people, you head to the vending machine, grab the nearest candy bar and get right back to work. That might not be the end of the world if you’re one of those people who are genetically blessed. But if you’re among the majority of Americans who struggle with their weight, mindless munching can make the difference between shedding—and gaining— several pounds each year. “The first thing to ask yourself is if it’s really food you need, or whether a drink of water, a brief walk or some quiet breathing might do the trick instead,” says Jennifer Kim, Jenny Craig Corporate Dietitian. “If you determine you're truly hungry, healthy snacking between meals can fuel your body and mind, maximize energy and prevent overeating at lunch and dinner. Choosing less healthy snacks, on the other hand, can easily result in excess calories and fat. “Fresh fruits and vegetables are always excellent choices, as they fill you up and provide a wealth of vitamins and nutrients,” adds Kim. “Other items that can easily be brought from home are nonfat yogurt, cottage cheese/fruit combinations, fruit cups and lowfat cheese and crackers.” If you forget to bring a healthy snack from home, simply refer to these “do’s” and “don'ts” to enjoy a tasty, energy-boosting treat. Vending Machine Do’s * Baked chips or pretzels * Tomato or 100% fruit juice * Breakfast bars * Turkey or ham sandwich (ight on mayo) * Trail mix (with nuts and dried fruit) * Light popcorn Vending Machine Don’ts * Non-baked chips * High sugar sodaor juice * Bagged cookies/snacks * Tuna/Egg Salad sandwich But what about when that box of donuts beckons...the candles are lit on your colleague’s birthday cake...or you hear the siren song of your coworker’s homemade brownies? If you decide to indulge, just watch your portion size. Eat only one Krispy Kreme, savor every bite and then put a healthy distance between you and the box. For special celebrations, have a piece of birthday cake but just enjoy a few bites and then set the rest aside. The key is moderation, not deprivation. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190816-182630-20190816-182629-60607.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190816-182629-60607.pdf