Teen Spirit Rewarded Sunday, March 1, 2015 PORTER MENUS @MOTES Teen Spirit Rewarded (NAPSA)—When young people volunteer, it’s good for the community. But it turns out it can also be good for the volunteer. According to a recent national survey conducted by The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards, teens encounter a virtuous cycle when they give back. Nine in 10 teens who volunteer said service makes them feel good about themselves and their participation leads to feeling needed (59 percent), feeling happier and less stressed (59 percent), and feeling more connected to people (54 percent). Good Morning America co- anchor Robin Roberts congratulates Tennessee’s top youth volunteers at the 2015 Prudential Spirit of Community Awards in Washington, D.C. The awards, sponsored by Prudential Financial in partnership with the National Association of Secondary School Principals, recognize students in grades 5 to 12 who are giving back to their communities. Applications are open now; to enter, middle and high school students who have volunteered in the past year can go to http://spirit.prudential.com and complete the online application. They then need to submit the application to their school principal or the head of a county 4-H organization, Girl Scout council, American Red Cross chapter, YMCAor HandsOn Networkaffil- iate by November. For application and certification questions, call (877) 5258491. Learn more at http://spirit.pru dential.com. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190731-140350-20190731-140348-84904.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190731-140348-84904.pdf