Eye Care For The Computer Generation Thursday, March 1, 2001 DD For Parents Eye Care For The Computer Generation (NAPS)—A numberof parents and doctors have opened their eyes to a problem affecting children across the country: Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). Computer Vision Syndrome is a common condition in children who use computers frequently. CVS is a condition that can result from excessive exposure to a computer monitor. Symptomsinclude headaches, blurry vision, or continually sore, tired or itchy eyes. Because children are especially prone to suffer from CVS, Vision Council of America recommends parents take steps to help prevent the condition: Make sure children have yearly eye examsandthat the doctor checks for CVS-related problems. If children wear glasses, inquire about eyewear designed specifically for computer work. Advise children to blink frequently to keep their eyes moist and help avert eye strain. * Have children sit at least a foot and a half away from the computer screen and adjust the monitor so that it is comfortable for their eyes. Make sure children use the computerin a well-lit room. * Encourage kids to take vision breaks every fifteen minutes. Have them focus into the distance or close their eyes every few seconds. * Consider what children eat. Natural oils found in fish and potassium rich foods can prevent eyes from becomingirritated. For more information visit the Better Vision Institute Web site at www.visionsite.org. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190801-012108-20190801-012103-49382.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190801-012103-49382.pdf