Students And The Selective Service Saturday, March 1, 2014 Young Men BA Students And The Selective Service (NAPSA)—There’s good news for young men in high school who will turn 18 this school year. They can register with the Selective Service without ever leaving the school grounds. That’s because at many schools there are volunteers who can provide young men with a convenient alternative to going to the post office to register. wy x Boas Many high schools have Selective Service high school registrars who can help students reg- ister with the Selective Service. These high school registrars help ensure that students are in compliance with the Military Selective Service Act, which requires young men to register within 30 days of their 18th birthday. These volunteers can also assist men in registering online, using school computers to connect to WWW.SSS. ZOV. Registration is critical for young men as they move on from high school since it is required when applying for federal college loans and grants and for federal jobs. It is also necessary for those who wish to become citizens, and for employment with many state and municipal governments. To learn more or register online, visit --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190816-172401-20190816-172400-84264.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190816-172400-84264.pdf