Smart Spending And Saving Saturday, March 1, 2014 (NAPSA)—Accordingto financial experts, it’s not how much money you makethat counts,it’s how much you keep. To help you hang on to more of your hard-earned dollars, there’s now a new,free and conve- nient way to pay yourbills from any mobile device—mobile phones, tablets, Macs and PCs—wherever you maybe. So you don’t have to worry about missing a payment— and havingto pay a penalty; you can even schedule the payment days in advance. Called Evolve Money, it puts you in control of paying yourbills by letting you pay bills whenever, wherever and however youlike. You can pay over 11,000 service providers, including utilities, insurance, wireless, cable, Internet and loans, with a debit card, Discover credit card and cash via load packs purchased atretail. These Evolve Pay Bucksare available at thousands of retailers nationwide. Payments post in two days or less at no charge. A Quick Start Guide walks you through the steps for paying yourbills. This payment method is smart because it reduces the risk of having your personal information stolen since the service makes the paymenton your behalf. Your payment information is not shared with the payee, so there’s no need to create accounts with your personal information at numerous online biller sites. Everything is under one account with one user nameand password. Once you’ve set up your payment system, there are three other ideas you maycareto consider: m4 wal A N Ae a SS A new, free app can help you pay your bills easily, conveniently and on time. 1.Time can turn even small investments into large ones. That’s because money you save in a savings account or mutual fund earns interest, and interest on that interest and so on. According to the Department of Labor, if you put $1,000 a year into an IRA every year from age 20 through age 30 at 7 percent annual inter- est, your savings will equal $168,514 when you're 65. 2.Check your credit report and score. You need to do both. The Federal Trade Commission says credit-reporting companies sell the information in your report to creditors, insurers, employers and other businesses that useit to evaluate your applications for credit, insurance, employment or renting a home. 3.Avoid fees for overdue bills. Try to pay more than the minimum on your credit card bills. If you can, overpay your mortgage to get the equity up faster. Learn More For further facts, stats and tips, go to --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190816-141752-20190816-141750-84305.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190816-141750-84305.pdf