The Fiber Of Civilization Saturday, March 1, 2003 Four Fun Facts About “The Fiber Of Civilization” (NAPSA)—Whatsinglefiber is - a naturally flame-resistant and hypoallergenic, has been used for more than 5,500 years and has even influenced world powers, serving as an underpinning to entire national economies? Go on, take a guess—and don’t be sheepish. Fact 1: Wool is a living fiber with extraordinary properties and it has been worn since around 3500 B.C. At that time, felt, wool to which heat, pressure and moisture have been applied, became common dueto its superb insulating qualities. Felt was useful as lining for sandals and helmets, cushions for riding camels and horses, as breastplates for Roman soldiers and as durable-yetportable housing for nomadic peoples. For Asian nomads, wool was so important that in the fourth century, the Chinese called their territory “the landoffelt.” Fact 2: Wool is an extremely fine fiber—it takes three to four wool fibers to equal the diameter of a human hair. It is also a natural thermometer. By absorbing perspiration and releasing it slowly through evaporation, wool insulates to keep the wearer warm in winter and cool in sum- Na Pendleton Woolen Mills’ state-ofthe-art dye shop gives garments lasting color. duce nearly 5,500 miles of wool fiber in a single year. Spain was one of the first countries to recog- Italy, built its wealth. Today, Australia’s economy is based on wool and sheep, as it produces onequarter of the world’s supply. Fact 4: Woolis a terrific clothing option. Wool’s natural durability, and its ability to take dye deeply into the fiber and hold it for rich color—hence, the expression “dyedin-the-wool”—make woolfabric ideal as a preferred clothingfiber. A Pendleton “Sir Pendleton” men’s signature wool shirt, for example, is woven from as much as five miles of yarn yet weighs less than a cotton Oxford shirt. Made from 100 percent Pure Virgin Wool, these wool shirts are naturally comfortable and good looking and keep their shape year after year. Pendleton’s expertise and craftsmanship in wool textiles and the commitment to quality have been a company tradition for five genera- and madeit a capital offense to export Merino sheep. Wool was the first great industry of England, and it was through woolen fabrics that the Medici family of Florence, visit the Web site to shop online or order a catalogue. You may also check the Web site for store locations throughoutthe country. mer. In Biblical times, wool was used to collect water; a fleece was left out in the desert to absorb dew, and the next morning it was wrungout. Fact 3: Wool replenishesitself. In fact, one Merino sheep can pro- nize the commercial value of wool, tions since 1863. Consumers can --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190731-181741-20190731-181739-59090.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190731-181739-59090.pdf