How To Buy The Right Father's Day Tool Gift Thursday, March 1, 2001 Giving Ines? How to Buy the Right Father’s Day ToolGi (NAFSA etr ed an Rep e e ge Bas Bey ol Baan oe ahs tondmathet eure int il ShitSoe mecea oie nne teRortla Shee na sits bang weiesi ehaae eee ac Ey re Sas Sinn eeege te poeden = he Sala am wesieaner Bas nane Srauldaors pareon? -: ‘ & “Giving 2 al with innovative design andtoca: advanced lechnelagy —Crafteman 3-0honer SanderGadfeona rmalaza or workshop mare amgoth way to Gusiling. Sqmslaree, suchand35 ____ Father Oa Siar dispiay the neweel fret inmavaive lads In’ epecal ght repairs andBlurhabe, Those Eeclion within Ihe hardware aplish rol and cde dec Fepertment Irie ereudtivers waigh only 6.4 "Boy Dalit ol forded. Han-gurcatand eal fins pocket digs orgripe stould Suse be corfart‘The lool: handle daublee ae 2 SE: taeliin bald. andlor cleave Tor bil slarage, Te camer lings shuldfeluree be marked desrly. wih plugin balleryPhillipe chargersod Boanetor cpecal add cones: wa double-ended and improve Ue fslbapersy shelled ile lian? inRamgerer Pir Slaive the Tong ierunlessta caper buy 2 pleTh GunCrateman (13.99)hasEasy2 short, for much hallabor sire fe ward last t e built thats tool fquslily than la replacesTemer lool with'sTeoy effort to uee than conten” iailgrereiteran onal staplera liz ergonomic "Here are me innovalive look daign and oofindy comin rip from Crasman thal wil quicken reduce hand fligue: Dad can use de‘Thepulge on Falbarsoy This sleek staplerto frewirestapler Gralluman -D Gander and beade or inalall SdA $4905) iaa whole naw conceplin cable with a builtin guide Ending. Thie2 sroath parablepb sleciric quilload amber prevenpre oder docs on fel, Sod bales staple fund, sanease many or conten thee youll el buyieg sige Etaswinduding pisces sure that tionsWhin mind, be Beller prem con Tal gil Lol ind In pared sanded be omy could previously EPhand. ‘The ravalutionary tol fate any gil-giving accionsp fae three araBleapecd sandingaf Gal orauralparticular and) tobe por diss that pivotindependently Sen—agift will entinus Gneamiher a1 209 fo S600 eva shgad har jas line visit the tang‘Dedperwillminute ‘Boe mare ifermation, iedpuis nearly endlese hardware department of your ways to was the Graf Tneal Serre nis orgo onliceIo Iman Mini Drivers (P1399) for wwararterafioman car --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190801-042944-20190801-042940-50286.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190801-042940-50286.pdf