Minnesotans: Quitting Tobacco Is Hard. Here's Help. Thursday, March 1, 2018 (NAPSA)—When it comes to the people of Minnesota protecting their health from tobacco,there's good news, bad newsandbetter news. Daa NEW CHANCES TOQUIT. The good news is, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly seven out of 10 smokers wantto quit. In fact, quitting smokingis one of the most popular New Year's resolutions, and overall, cigarette smoking is downinthestate. ‘The bad newsis about 580,000 Min- nesotansstill smoke. And smokers who try to quit “cold turkey” are only successful about5 percentofthe time. The better newsis a little planning Quitting tobaccoisn’t easy but with help and your own determination, odds ofsuccess. When you decideto quit you can doit. and support can greatly increase your smoking, QUITPLANServices can help. For nearly 20years,it has providedfree ging, water exercise, tennis, basketball including free patches, gum orlozenges; systemsall around; don't beafraid to use them. People who seek support from othersare morelikely to succeed. supportto all Minnesotans who want to quit smoking, with a menu of options e-mailandtext support; quit guides; and free phone coaching, Morethan 175,000 people have used the service so far. To make quitting easier for you, QUITPLAN Services has comeup with these four tips: Quitting Tips 1. Makea plan andstick to it. Set a quit date. Use a quit medication, such as gum, patches or lozenges, to reduce symptomsofnicotine withdrawal. Peo- or soccer. 3. Ask for help. There are support Whether its a family member, a friend, a co-worker or a professional phone coach, most people are more than willing to help you stay strong against tobacco. 4, Surround yourself with a tobacco-free environment. Rid your home, ple who make plan succeed more often car and workareaofall tobacco-related items(lighters and ashtrays, as well as 2.Stay active. Making physical tobacco productsin water so you cannot than those who don't. activity a daily habit can help you fight cravings, avoid setbacks and feel better in general. It works because exercise stimulates the brain in positive ways— boosting mood, improving concentration andrelieving stress. All of these benefits help conquer urges and give the tobacco products themselves). Soak use them. Check for any “forgotten” cig- arettes or tobaccoin old jackets, purses, tackle boxes, desk drawers or glove compartments. Wash any bedding,pillowsandclothesthat smell like tobacco. If you can, have your carpets, furni- co-free. Even walkingbriskly for five to ture, drapes and car interior cleaned professionally to get rid of the tobacco smell. Clear your head of tobacco as cising with others provides support and nonsmoker and get enthusiastic about you more confidence to remain tobac- 10 minutes candecrease cravings. Exer- helps keep your mind off tobacco. Start exercising during your quit so you can use physicalactivity as a way to conquer withdrawal symptoms and muchaspossible. Start thinking like a quitting. Quittingis hard, but with your determination and any support you want from QUITPLAN Services—texts, cravings. Then, become even more e-mails, quit guides, phone coaching, active after you quit to keep up your confidence. Select an activity that you enjoy so you'll be morelikely to keep at it. Consider walking, bicycling, hiking, jog- free nicotine patches, gum or lozenges— you can doit. Learn More For morefacts andtips andto access free help, go to www.quitplan.com. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190731-210924-20190731-210921-86601.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190731-210921-86601.pdf