A Thrilling Book Trilogy And More—Megalomaniacs Battle Zealots, With America Caught In The Middle Friday, March 1, 2019 Boo Bites A Thrilling Book Trilogy And More—Megalomaniacs Battle Zealots, With America Caught In The Middle (NAPSA)—This issue of BookBites introduces readers to Eric C. Anderson's New Caliphate trilogy, a saga rippedfrom today’s headlines that could leave tomorrow’ Europe on the brink of a new Dark Age, as well as a fourth thriller depicting the use of cryptocurrency as a tool for political regime change. Anderson is a former memberof the US.intelligence community. draw from the Middle East? The clock is ticking. Buyat https://amzn.to/2K7s4yH. “Horus” (Book3) by Eric C. Anderson (Dunn Books) Recoveringfrom thelast roundofterror, an exhausted US.President deals with the specter of nuclear horror. In the trilogy’s thrill- “Osiris? (Book1) by Eric C. Anderson (Dunn Books) ing Its a dilemma no Washington politician wants to confront: rescuing 5,000 Americans trapped in Baghdad. Tak- ing on the challenge is a crusty Marine, an embat- tled Army officer, two Turkish spies and the ultimate cyber-warrior. Their enemy? An ISIS regime intent on carving out a new caliphate. Can they res- cue an American embassy undersiege by a weaponthat even Washington's military can't defeat? Buy Book 1 of the New Caliphate trilogyat http://bit.ly/2S}ft8J. “Anubis”(Book 2) by Eric C. Anderson (Dunn Books) dle East have no regard for others. WithISISonitsheels and the Caliph on the run, Turkish strongman Recep Erdogan revives the Ottoman Empire. ‘The Kurdsrefuse to get out of his way. More and Faheemdiscover that North Koreahas sold cruise missiles to terrorists. Can they stop these madmen before mushroom cloudslight up the world? Buyat http://bit.ly/2Y7UFY8. “Byte” by Eric C. Anderson (Dunn Books) In a fourth book by Anderson, “Roller” is the wise-cracking, pis- tol-packing agent known at the CIA as “the Veterinar- Asif the slaughter of thousands of ian?dispatched to cage big dogs and US.citizens in Baghdad wasn’t enough, now the Caliphate has a new plan in Book2 ofthetril- ogy. bring the bits and bytesto heel. When Roll- “Anubis” picks up where ers superiors dis- “Osiris”left off, on anincendiary mis- cover the balance a of power between sion of soldiers, spies, statesmen and sellouts, all thrown together to either save the world—or see it destroyed. Marine Corps Master Gunnery Sergeant More and U.S. Army Special Forces Major Faheem are thrust to the frontas the world bracesfor a hurricane of terror. With the enigmatic U.S. President dead,his hatedpolitical opponent about to be inaugurated andISIS attacking on multiple fronts, will America and her allies surrenderto terrorists and with- conclusion, More and Faheem hopedto never see one other again. But warlords and fanatics on the march in the Mid- * the U.S. and Russia is about to run off the rails, she’s called upon to head cyberstrike team and face off with her arch-nemesis. There's $50billion of oligarch moneyat play, Bitcoins to intercept and evidence of a surging cyberattack ontheglobal infrastructure that could kill thousands. Buy at http://bitly/2Ywqz6d. BookBites is a continuing series bringing readers information and ideasfor their next read. For more reading ideas, visit BookTrib.com, where readers and writ- ers meet, and subscribe to the weekly newsletter, --- PHOTOS --- File: 20191107-134130-20191107-134129-86836.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20191107-134129-86836.pdf