Drink To Your Health Thursday, March 1, 2018 Drink To Your Health (NAPSA)—Ifyou're like 64 percent of Americans, you drink a cup of coffee every day. While manycoffee drinkersstill prefer their coffee black in its most natural form, coffee tastes have evolved over the years. Today, the marketoffers manycaffeinated beverages formulated with sugar andfat that add calories and can offset the inherent benefits of caffeine, such as alertness anda feeling of increasedenergy. Health-conscious consumers, however, are making dramatic changes to their diet and choosing food and beveragesthat notonly taste good butoffer nutritional benefits as well. There is an almost endless number of new drink products that provide more than great taste—they help people reduce calorie intake and fuel their day. Recently, the PROTEIN & COFFEE: POWER et ae \ You can enjoy a refreshing pickme-up withoutdrinking something loaded with fat and sugar. alternative that can be enjoyed at home or onthe go” coffee category hasstarted growing with novelalternatives to sugary coffeehouse beverageswith healthy waysto start the Bowerman offered some additional delicious and nutritious bever- outthe day, theyare, increasingly, seeking something morethan caffeine pickme-up.Alternativesare available that are great tasting, low fat, packed with pro- to find new waysto keep the body in balance by consumingfoods and beverages day or provide anafternoonpick-me-up. While people drink coffee through- tein and delivera feeling of energy allin one. Coffee drinkers who wantalternatives to sugary drinks, as well as somethingthatoffers nutritional benefits, are turning to Herbalife Nutrition High Protein Iced Coffee.It contains two grams of sugar andnoartificial flavors or added. colors. The 100-calorie drink mix is big ontaste and provides 15 gramsofpro- tein and 80 mg ofcaffeine per serving. “Everyoneloves the refreshing taste of iced coffee but not the calories and sugar that come with manycoffeehouse options?” said Susan Bowerman, MS, RD, CSSD, CSOWM, FAND, Senior Director of Worldwide Nutrition Edu- cation and Training at Herbalife Nutri- tion. “Our high-protein iced coffee is the perfect healthy snack andis a great age suggestions: Digestive Health Guthealthis a hottopic as people try that supporta healthy digestive system. Kombucha, vinegar and probiotic-en- hanced drinks continue to garnera lot ofinterestto supporta healthy gut. How- ever, many probiotic drinks are filled with sugar to counter thetaste of yogurt. ‘A healthy, old-fashioned option to aid digestion is to keep hydratedby drinking a lot of water. Drinking toolittle water slows downthedigestive system. Perhaps best of all—waterhas zero calories. Sugar Reduction Obesity rates in the U.S. continue to soar. Fortunately, it can be easy to cut sugary drinks out of the diet and swap with lower-calorie options. Instead of hitting the juice bar, consider replacing juice with fruit. Learn More For morefacts andtips, go to www. herbalife.com. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190801-024314-20190801-024312-86551.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190801-024312-86551.pdf