Tips To Help You Live Green And Save Green Thursday, March 1, 2018 A a! aa (Bey) set Tips To Help You Live Green And Save Green (NAPSA)—Many homeowners consider ecofriendliness when home product shopping and _aircondition- ing systems are no exception.In fact homecooling accounts fornearly halfof energy use andis responsible for nearly 100 million tonsof carbon dioxide emis- sions every year. The good news is following some practicaltips will help youstay cool save money and respect the environment. You can help protect the environmentandstill stay comfortable at costing homeowners more than $11 bil- home. lion a year small steps can goa long way. With air conditioner energy expenses ‘Try these useful energy-savingideas: filter absorbs odors. Dust mold spores and microorganismsare caught in the filter promoting more allergen-free air. Further ductless mini-split systems are designed with Earth-friendly elements such asusing refrigerantcalled R-410Aknownforits potential for zero ozonedepletion. Personalize Your Comfort Level Take control of your comfort. Ductless mini-split systems let you control the individual temperature in each room so you don't waste money cool- Boost Energy Efficiency LowerBills Up to 25 Percent Upgrading your system can signifi- cantly reduce yourutility expense. The most energy-efficient heating and cooling products on the market ductless mini-split systems can save as much as 25 percent onyourbill. Heres how ductless mini-split sys- tems work: Thin coppertubing is used to pumprefrigerant from an outdoor compressor directly into an indoor air-handling unit where the air is qui- etly distributed to the interior space. ‘This eliminates the need for basementor attic evaporators and bulky expensive ductwork. Mini-splits are easy to install andusually require only a 3- to 4-inch hole througha wallorceiling to connect the indoorand outdoorunits. Enjoy Rebates and Tax Incentives To encourage homeowners to purchase energy-efficient products and reduce greenhouse gases many utility ing unused spaces such as guest bed- rooms bonus rooms sunrooms and basements. Ductless systems operate at much higherefficiencylevels than central forced-air systems and window units as ductlosses in a central AC system can account for more than 30 percent of your energy consumption. One leading mini-split manufacturer Fujitsu General offers the most energy-effi- cientselection on the market including wall- and floor-mountedslim duct and compactcassette indoorunits. Plus the free FGLair app enables certain systems to be controlled from anywhere with a smartphoneortablet. Simple Savers Don't forget these easy energy-savers. Close blinds shades and draperies facing the sun to keep outthe sun’s heat and help fansandair conditioners cool moreefficiently. Seal holes and cracks around doors and windows. Eliminate air leaks around windows with foam insulation or weather stripping. Use companies offer rebates on qualified ceiling andotherfans to provide addiproducts. To estimate how much money you could save on a ductless mini-split tional cooling and better circulation. Finally increase your attic insulation. ‘Thefederal stimulus package alsooffers ing systems offer a healthier home environmentdecreasedfossil fuel con- system you can visit the efficiency calculator at significant tax credits to homeowners whoinvest in new insulation and energy-efficient windowsand heating/cooling systems. Breathe Cleaner Air Reduce Environmental Impact Mini-split systems are engineered to ensurecleanerinteriorair. No ductwork meansno dustor mold to blow arounda homeandthebuilt-in ion deodorization Today's more energy-efficient cool- sumption reduced greenhouse gas— plus the added bonusoflowerutility bills. Many Fujitsu systems with the Energy Star rating are more than twice as efficient as the minimumstandardset by the government. To learn more orfind a contrac- tor nearby call (888) 888-3424orvisit or www. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190801-043138-20190801-043136-86288.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190801-043136-86288.pdf