Fish Tales To Hook Your Spirits Monday, March 1, 2004 ing ptdacies Fish Tales To Hook Your Spirits (NAPSA)—The good news for anyone who’s ever been hooked on fishing—oneof the top five sports in the U.S.—is the arrival of a aay that will help recapture the spirit of the sport. “ “Chicken Soup for the Fisherman’s Soul” (Health ComUP se munications, $12.95) Shab by the #1 New York Gol Times best-selling mmr “a AUthors Jack Can- field, Mark Victor Hanson, Ken McKowen and Dahlynn McKowen has enough fish tales to hook your spirit and snag your funny bone. Are you still obsessing about the one that got away? Fishermen have always been known for their stories, and this book gathers timeless tales conveying the unique joys and challenges of the fishing experience. Knownas a Presidential tradition, the book contains stories about the great presidential tradition of fishing by great fishermen such as President George H. W. Bush and President Jimmy Carter. A portion of the book’s proceeds will be allocated to the nonprofit Sheridan Arts Foundation (SAF). Each year, SAF hosts 50 disadvantaged, inner-city and Native American children from around the country to participate in its Wild West Fest Mentorship Program. The book is available at bookstores or online at www.hci --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190731-115456-20190731-115454-60950.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190731-115454-60950.pdf