Pet Bad Breath: A Wake Up Call For Pet Owners Thursday, March 1, 2001 Pet Bad Breath: A Wake Up Call for Pet Owners (NAPSA)—Awakened by bright eyes, a furry face and protruding pink tongue, your beloved pet has once again brought you your morning wake-up call. Endearing? Yes. Smelly? Probably. Nearly 37 million pet owners recognize their pets have bad breath. However, bad breath among pets should be a “wake-up call” for ownerssince it is often a sign of a more serious disease. It indicates the presence of plaque and bacteria that can lead to gum disease. More than 80 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats over the age of three have some sort of gum disease—and according to a national study, periodontal disease is the #1 diagnosed condition in dogs and cats. Gum disease causes deterioration and infection of the mouth and can potentially spread to other organs, causing more danger and severity to your pet’s health. “Many pets have dental or gingival diseases which maylead to other health problems,” says Dr. Nick Saint-Erne, Veterinarian. “Just like humans, pets should receive regular professional dental check-ups and cleanings to keep their mouths healthy. Often, these measures are too infrequent, but now thereis a clinically tested, safe and effective product that is makingit easier for pets to get the oral healthcare they need between visits to the vet.” Inobys PetFirst Oral Care is an easy-to-use liquid containing natural ingredients that owners add to their dog or cat’s daily drinking water. The result: fresher breath, cleaner teeth and healthier gums. Rather than covering up bad breath with flavor and chlorophyll, the product addresses the source of the problem by inhibiting harmful bacteria that cause bad breath and plaque. Each time a pet drinks, he or she is combat- In pets, bad breath is generally a sign of a more serious medical condition. ting bad breath and, more importantly, the bacteria that can lead to poor oral health. “Our customers are looking for an easy solution to their pet’s bad breath,” says Rich Estabrook, Vice President of Dog Merchandising, PETsMART,Inc. “They are also increasingly aware of gum disease and how painfulit can be for their dog or cat.” Pet Bad Breath Could Easily Mean: Plaque—sof, sticky, bacteria-laden film Tartar—mineralized plaque which irritates the gums Gingivitis—reversible inflammation of the gums Periodontitis—irreversible loss of tissue around teeth Prophylaxis—preventive teeth cleaning Oral systemic disease—infection of internal organs due fo periodontal disease @ With products such as Inobys PetFirst Oral Care, pet owners can be assured they will be woken up by pets with better breath and in better health. For more information visit the Web site at www.inobyspet or call 1-866-466-2971. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190801-104513-20190801-104510-51386.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190801-104510-51386.pdf