Survival Tips For Slumber Parties Friday, March 1, 2002 HomeEntertaining And Comfort Foods On The Rise (NAPSA)—It’s a grade school classic that’s making a comeback and it’s stronger than ever: the slumber party. According to a recent newsarticle, sleepovers are not only popular with young people, but parents are also getting in on the fun. Larry Samule, a cultural anthropologist, suggests that since September 11, home entertaining is on the rise and sleepovers are a natural extension of that trend. Several New York-based hotels even offer slumber party packages that feature spa treatments, cookies and warm milk, massage treatments and breakfast in bed the next day. If your children are pestering you for a sleepover, consider these survival tips to ensure a successful event forall: * Set ground rules in advance. Let the kids know you want them to have fun, but they need to be mindful of others’ feelings and personal possessions. Depending on their age, let them know if the computer, DVD, VCR, phone and home entertainment system are “off limits.” * Create a “slumber party survival kit” that is kept separate from all other toys and games. Have it only available during sleepover parties to make the night feel more special. Fill it with board games, videos, colorful costumes and craft projects. * If there are other older siblings at home, involve them in the party planningif possible. Assign them a task or role such as doing makeovers or teaching a new dance move. If they are involved in the planning, they will A bit of extra preparation can help make slumber parties more fun for everyone involved. be much less likely to disrupt the party. *In a place away from wherethe kids will be sleeping, set up an area for snacks and late-night munchies. In addition to the chips and cheese snacks, provide some healthy alternatives as well, such as raw vegetables and dip. Older kids will appreciate more substantial snacks they can make themselves in the microwave, like Ragt Express. Available in three flavors, it contains spiral pasta and real Raga sauce. * To avoid frequent trips to the refrigerator, fill a cooler with ice and stock it with beverages. To better protect your carpeting or flooring, it is recommended that you choose bottled drinks with lids that can screw back on. For more information, visit --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190816-192417-20190816-192415-53684.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190816-192415-53684.pdf