Prepared For Termite Swarming Season? Thursday, March 1, 2001 Prepared For Termite Swarming Season? (NAPSADEach year,homer lermiler damage millins af and ther Siuslures in the Urited Stalse National, lorie cause rove than $2 billion fn rear Sed‘irepair cots crsialfoglons, annual trulhern 2 signifenel amouraf demage Steed one groupDrywoe! of lerie Tyeoe!by termes, miles are justike whatdeytheir name Irpliesthey wood Hee ites the weed aed a noequine (Dalaclwilh trel "Theoe ines sesalure islesbulBg wood aleesmall in in dastrctvepatetil ‘Annually dry wand Lermites sprend thate destruction when ale and female insscla lane Siathzhed colons atocrack, ook res few bome—seually Fale Sather surlees defect to the Structure. They enter The wend Bed‘Tnbegin feed California, ter Northern milesJulyUypically Tune 2nd whereasswarm in theinsouth rn pad!of the late, swarmers may take flight in September Through November. Theysunny can ‘gulp be und anwarm, dSyeaher rainlarmile snarmere ie Flori, an pring, summer Sed beBlsean fom inFebrusey thrush Roremter Ta dilion talions xearmers other cammvan indva ors termite fetesinclude Plowssided pallets, tp ically found an windaw alle 3rd oor“Discarded avd inatewings apaceand dead lemT es neat ight urawood or Severely Blislered Drywood termites are found ‘mroughout the Unites yp boa i sautheroceatalSstee, glans, wendwark and with pinhead-izd hick steer ‘Hallow sounding wand “hen Inemiles sre domed, professionals pool management Ziracanmced sxeaten Spline depending on the estent Bhd ocalion af thinfetations However, in moststructure, 9 peresalof wood insecesaible fe Hidden Testing any arcae for Rehalesruclure fumigation with Wkara gas fumiganthe rly wayafdryweal to ereureterme 1eO-percent SSnlah inf Ilene through the slruclure Including those hidden in inse™ Stesibte The effecivances SPvikanewand,te confirmed by a0 texearch uniearaily of feare fore than fumigated ove milionStrctures ave boon with Vila cece the yaara, including bares urcumas tare book Ibrorice Sniversy fella rd historical dare “Teeaen mare about dry wood The Universitybulwood ofPeridot Weale srdal --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190801-100552-20190801-100548-50064.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190801-100548-50064.pdf