Skip The Gym: Exercise At Home For Better Results Friday, March 1, 2019 notalone. According to a recent sur- vey conducted by Bowflex, 52% of peo ple prefer to exercise privately at home overgoing to the gym,attending a group class or exercisingoutside. Survey respondents were also honest in sharing that 59% were notorious for setting fitness goals and not following through. More than 67% said they want You canjoin the 52% of Americans whoprefer working outat home and prise to Tom Holland, exercise phys try the Bowflex Max Trainer M8 feaiologist and Bowflex fitness adviser. turing digital coaching technology. to see results of their efforts early on. ‘These statistics come as no sur “Everyone's time is limited. People want to know they are on the right track and doing the workouts that are going to make a difference or they will get discouraged and likely not reach their goal’ he explains. “Posi tive indicators and accomplishments can be more than weight lost being able to run longer distances without dictive analytics to create custom daily workouts for you, and it tracks and rewards your progress. ‘The platformalso features a personal fitness coach whogives spokeninstruc- tion, motivation and encouragement as you push through your custom work- outs. There’s no need to goto the gym or walking breaks, completing more reps pay fora priceypersonal trainer. than before or reachinga newpersonal Plus, if you're like most people record on your favorite digital fitness companionare all good signs.” If you prefer working out at home and like to keep track of your prog ress, one product Holland recommends is the Bowflex Max Trainer M8 car- whose main goals for working out are to stayin shape,have more energyandfeel good,this machine and coaching tech nology can help youstay motivated over the long term,Holland notes. Another perk of exercising at home, dio machine (www. headds, isyour fitnessroutine better fits trainer), which features an artificial around your schedule and is more con intelligence-drivendigital platform. The platform’sadaptive coachingtechnology uses the data captured from your previ ‘ous workouts in combination with pre- venient for you. Only have 10 minutes now and 15 minutes later? Your home gym is only steps away, and yes, those workouts do add up. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20191107-134215-20191107-134213-86785.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20191107-134213-86785.pdf