Parasite Protection Sunday, March 1, 2015 (NAPSA)—Here are six very important reasons to keep the dog you love safe from parasites: 1.Parasites can cause suffering. Hookworms attach to the intestines, where they feed on blood. Roundworms can cause vomiting and diarrhea and can travel to the lungs. Whipworms can cause bloody diarrhea and anemia. Deadly heartworms travel to the heart and lungs, causing pain and severe organ damage. 2. Parasites are everywhere. For example, heartworm disease, which was once confined to the SIX HIDDEN PARASITES THAT THREATEN YOUR DOG Are you protecting your dog from harmful parasites? ETAelmer LEY) painful heart and Tarttoe-Tire| CT (EL Whipworms too can be deadly. southern U.S., is now foundin all 50 states. 3.Parasites can be deadly. Left untreated, heartworms, hookworms and whipworms can kill your dog. 4,Parasites can also infect your family. Roundworms, hookworms and tapeworms are just three parasites that infect both dogs and people. 5.Parasite prevention is easier on your pet and far less expensive than treatment. 6.Parasite protection is remarkably easy. Often, all it takes is one monthly pill. Learn more at Ask your veterinarian for more information about how to protect your dog. HEARTWORMS FLEAS TAPEWORMS. ROUNDWORMS HOOKWORMS 1 infected mosquito 1 flea sighting means O symptoms? #1 worm 3 paths are most Roundworms are commonfor hookwormsto enter your whipworm eggs whereinfected WHIPWORMS 7 years later, is all it takes to give you mayhave already Unprotected dogs your dog heartworms. have spent months can have a heavy the most common Nearly 300,000 living with eggs and tapeworm infestation wormsfound in dogs pet: penetration of and not show it. and can be picked up the skin by larvae, dogs defecated. outdoor and indoor maggot-like larvae can survivein soil dogs in the US in the environment Other dogs have from the environment. ingestion, or from around your home. weightloss, diarrhea, Roundworms cause motherto puppy via Whipworms can get potentially or a dull coat. diarrhea, vomiting, the milk. This parasite weight loss and even deadly heartworms each year. stunted growth, and a swollen belly. attachesto the causebloodydiarrhea, death in dogs. intestine, causing internal bleeding and wounds, and severe anemia. Parasite protection can be simple. Ask your veterinarian today if your dog is protected against all these parasites. Often it’s as easy as one monthly pill. @ --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190801-101017-20190801-101014-84713.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190801-101014-84713.pdf