Poor Eye Drainage Can Lead To Glaucoma Sunday, March 1, 2009 Poor Eye Drainage Can Lead To Glaucoma (NAPSA)—Every winter across the U.S., heavy rains bring thoughts of flooding, backed-up drainage systems and overflowing streets. When the drains and city sewers get clogged, the overflow of winter rains can bring a oncebustling community to a grinding halt. Like the backup caused by winter’s inevitable downpours, poor drainage of a person’s eye can lead to high eye pressure, which is a cause of glaucoma. The vision loss can be devastating and can drastically changethelife of a once-active adult. In fact, 2.2 mil- lion Americans have glaucoma, but half do not realize it because there are often no warningsigns. In a healthy eye, fluid is constantly being made and drained through a tiny drainage canal. When something blocks or prevents this natural drainage, the pressure inside the eye goes up. Glaucoma is often caused by increased pressure that can develop whenthefluids in the eye are not draining properly. This condition eventually damages the nerve that connects the eye to the brain and leadsto loss of vision. EyeCare America, the public service foundation of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, encourages those without insurance to take advantageof its national Glaucoma EyeCare Program. The program offers glaucoma eye examsfor those at increased risk of glaucoma. To see if you, a loved oneor a friendis eligible to receive a referral for an eye exam, call (800) 391-EYES (3937), 24 hours a day, every day, year-round.All eligible callers receive a referral to one of EyeCare America’s 7,000 volunteer ophthalmologists. The Glaucoma EyeCare Program is designed for people who: eAre U.S. citizens or legal residents Have not had an eye exam in 12 months or more Glaucoma can mean you’re only seeing a small part of the picture. Are deemedto be at increased risk for glaucoma (as determined by family history, race, age). Whatare the symptomsof glaucoma? While occasionally the condition may come on suddenly, most cases progress so slowly there are often no warningsigns before damageinside the eye has already occurred. In most cases, a person’s side vision (peripheral vision) is noticeably affected. Whois at risk? While the causes of glaucoma are not completely known, we do know that risk factors for its development include family history, race and older age. African Americans and Hispanicsare also at higherrisk for getting the disease. How is glaucoma treated? Eyedrops that lower eye pressure Laser therapy that allows for better drainageof fluids inside the eye eEKye surgery to create a new drainage canal. If not treated, glaucoma can and does lead to total blindness. Glaucomais easily detected with a medical eye examination. Ophthalmologists can measure the pressure inside the eye with a quick and painless office test. Glaucoma doesn’t have to interfere with leading a happy, sighted and fulfilling life. Detecting the disease early can save yoursight. More information can be found at www.eyecareamerica.org. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190801-010907-20190801-010905-78518.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190801-010905-78518.pdf