Six Truths About Having A Health Care Career Tuesday, March 1, 2016 Six Truths About Having A Health Care Career (NAPSA)—According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, health care jobs are projected to grow to 2.3 million from 2014 to 2024. That would suggest that now may be a good time to start preparing for those positions. There are a few things you should know, however. Explains Dr. Mark Johannsson, D.H.Sc, M.PH., academic dean, University of Phoenix School of Health Services Administration, College of Health Professions: “For those considering a career in health care, there are more opportunities than ever before. As someone who has spent 29 years in the health care industry, I have discovered several ‘truths’ that are especially relevant and important for those interested in working in health care. Understanding and embracing these truths will position you for a long and successful career.” Dr. Johannsson’s suggestions on how to be successful working in the health care industry include: *Be flexible and adaptable. The health care industry is constantly changing. New discoveries can forever alter how patients with a chronic illness, or even what was once a terminal one, can be treated. You have to be able to roll with all the changes you encounter. *Let each experience make you stronger. Learn from every experience, interaction and even setback, and be willing to tap into that knowledge to look at a problem through a different lens. Everyone brings a unique perspec- tive to each challenge because of his or her personal experiences. Don’t be reluctant to share yours. *Develop your EI—your emotional intelligence. Hone in on your“soft skills.” Be confident in your strengths and acknowledge yourlimitations. Learn how to take andoffer criticisms professionally. Remember, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” Most people in health care naturally want to help others. That can drive people to try to do too much in an impossibly short amount of time. The health care industry requires diligence and patience. You can be the most productive and helpful by being thoughtful about your work and measuring your outcomes. Health care is a growing, changing field in which you can have a rewarding career helping others and yourself. *Realize how health affects everything. Don’t let your perspective become myopic. Health care has enormous reach and your area is just one small piece of a larger puzzle. Step back and evaluate how what you're doing affects other people, other businesses within the health care industry and other industries. An ability to talk about issues and opportunities from a high level is a talent that will serve you both professionally and personally. *Be open to new opportuni- ties. Because of how quickly health care evolves, new doors may open themselves to you. You could find yourself exploring opportunities in educating the new generation of health care providers, or using your knowledge to benefit research trials or government programs. “Throughout mycareer, I have applied my credentials and experience to client management, leadership, higher education, health care privacy, compliance, community planning, and professional staff development in multiple settings,” Dr. Johannssonsaid. “The diversity of my experience is something I’ve used to create a strong foundation and a realistic approach to health.” Learn More Whether you're already working in health care or looking to launch a newcareer, you can gain the knowledge to compete in today’s health care environment— and effectively tackle all of tomorrow’s challenges—at University of Phoenix School of Health Services Administration, where you can get the personalized support and upto-date knowledge and credentials you need to pursue yourgoals. For further facts on a career in health care, visit For more information about each of these programs, including on-time completion rates, the median debt incurred by students who completed the program and other important information, please visit /programs /gainful-employment. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190731-211037-20190731-211034-85410.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190731-211034-85410.pdf