Great Grass Ideas Friday, March 1, 2019 (NAPS)—Fora lawn that turns the neighbors green with envy, heed these four hints: 1. Water well: Water your lawnearly in the morning when temperatures are cool to cut down on diseases and destructiveinsects. 2. Feedit: Usefertilizer that provides nitrogen, phosphorusand potassium. 3. Mulchit: Mulch prevents evaporation and weedgrowth, helpsdrainage, encourages root developmentandcools thesoil. 4. Mowwisdo. Dut the grass early in the morning orin the evening, not [2 The grass can be greener on your sideof the fence. during the heat of the day. Cut off no morethan a thirdofthe grass blade. Want to make mowing easier and still get a beautifully groomed lawn? Consider a robotic mower. Models like the Honda Miimo, powered by a high-performance lithium-ion battery, do the mowingfor you. Because a dealer-installed boundary wire goes around thearea to be mowed,the mowerdetects the electric field and stays within it, monitoring its own charge and returningto its dockingstation at need. Independent 360-degree sensors anda floating coverdetect solid contacts. And, if Miimo comestoo close to a person or pet, the lawn mowerstops, turns, and movesina differentdirection. Learn more at com and com/dealer-locator. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190816-174236-20190816-174235-86700.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190816-174235-86700.pdf