Head Off A Head Lice Infestation Before It Happens Friday, March 1, 2019 son and anyone with a head ofhair. ‘They're not going anywhere. If you find lice, treat with a product thatkills both lice and eggsto avoid needing toretreat seven days later for hatching eggs that combing may have missed. Fortunately, if you want to reduce your head lice infestation odds, you can beproactive whenit comesto preventingheadlice. Whetherthe family is heading off to school, spring break or to camp,have a lice prevention plan in place. You want your kids to make friends but not with lice. The most common waychildren spread headlice is from direct headto-head contact at social gatherings or school. Not only are nits andlice so small that they can beeasily missed, but it also takes fourto six weeks foritching symptomsto start. Here's how you canprotectyour chil- dren and keep them from being “The One’to bring lice home. 1. Perform headlice checks before andafter your child is in head-to-head contact with other children. Check your childrenfor lice andnits before vacation- ing orsending them offto campand conduct weekly head checks throughout the year. Many campsand boarding schools do head lice checks when your child arrives; you don't wantthat to be when you findoutyou have a problem. 2.Reducerisk by putting long hair in a braid, bun or ponytail. The longer the hair, the greater the risk for contractinglice from head-to-head contact. Preventionis the best medicine for anyheadlice situation. 3.Be proactive. Once a child returning from spring break or campis diagnosedwitha lice infestation, family andfriends have already been exposed for weeks as the infestation was grow- ing. That's howlice outbreaks multiply. If you've been exposed, switch to a daily shampoo designedto kill unde- tectedlice with each washso any potentially contracted lice don't build into an infestation, and use a daily repellent spray to keeplice from hair. You may berelieved to know there's one shampoothatoffers ongoing control: pesticide-free Vamousse Lice Defense Daily Shampoo.Its been found in lab studiestokill lice with each use,It’s recommended to use for two weeks following exposure to help reduce the growth of an infestation that’s been contracted but not yet identified. And, Vamousse Lice Repellent Leave-In Spray is great for keeping lice outof yourkids’ hair at schoolandin every social situation. Learn More Forfurtherfactsandtips, go to www. vamousselice.com. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190730-124541-20190730-124539-86697.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190730-124539-86697.pdf