Don't Forget THIS During A Deep Housecleaning Friday, March 1, 2019 thorough cleaning,there are the “usual suspects”: getting rid of old clothes and magazines, organizing the pantry, clean- ing the yard and gettingthegarden ready to plant. But there's one item that many people don't think about whenit comes to deep cleaning—unused, unwanted cansofpaint. Notonlydo cans ofpaintcluttera basement, garage or crawl space, these areas are susceptible to moisture that can cause cans to becomerusty orleaky. Its important to properly dispose of unused paint— especially ifyou have completed any home Properly disposing of leftover paint improvement projects in the past year. is easier than many Coloradansthink Before you get rid of your paint, through paint recycling program. however,it's wise to create a paintlist to keep in your files. Include the brand name, paint color or number, and the sealers, and clear top coatings (varnish was used. Then, you can reference this lar business hours. PaintCare then works with partners to transportthecollected paint from the drop-off sites to processing facilities, whereit’s remixed into recycled-content name of the room where that paint list when you needto do a touch-up or whenyou're looking to repaint. Next, think about using upleftover paint for another project. Instead of buying newpaint, simply use somepaint you may already have. Looking to give an old rockingchair or dresser a makeoversoit looks fresh and new? Use up paint from a recent bedroom orbathroom makeover. If repurposing leftover paint in cre- ative ways isn't up youralley, there’s a wayto recycle and properly dispose of unused paint: Take it to a PaintCare drop-off site. PaintCare is the paint recycling program that makes it easy for andshellac). Drop-off is available yearroundduringeach retail location's regu- paint, given away through local reuse programs, used as fuel, or used in other products andapplications. If it can’t be recycled or used someother way,it will be dried out and properly disposed of. Whenyou needto buy paint for a project in the future, make sure you buy the right amount to minimize leftover paint. Then, you won't need to worry about using up orrecycling the rest. To do this, give the representatives at yourpaint store the dimensionsof the consumers and businesses to drop off room you're painting. They should be their unwantedpaintfor recycling at no able to tell you how much you'll need, additional cost at over 170 participating locations in Colorado. Drop-off sites are conveniently located at paint and hardware stores and accept all paint brands, regardless of when orat which store in Coloradoit was purchased.Items that can depending onthe type of coating and the desired outcome. You canalso use an onlinepaintcalculatorto help determine how muchpaint you needto get. ‘The nexttime you think about storing most house paints, primers, stains, you, visit be dropped off for recycling include orthrowing away unwantedpaint, think again...and recycle it! For more infor- mation andto find a drop-off site near --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190801-043017-20190801-043014-86688.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190801-043014-86688.pdf