Be Your Best You Sunday, March 1, 2015 yi ETF FL Be Your Best You (NAPSA)—The next time New Year’s, your birthday or any other time when you tend to makeresolutions rolls around, you won’t have to make—and break—unreasonable promises to yourself if you tap into yourbestself. For most people, living a healthy lifestyle means making permanent changes. While you can’t expect overnight results, some small adjustments over time can help. Just remember to consult your doctor before starting any new diet or exercise regimen. — ery You can create a healthier new you by changing a few habits for 21 days. Create Healthy Habits Set small goals that are spe- cific, measurable, attainable, real- istic, timely/tangible (S.M.A.R.T.) and share them with others to stay accountable. Choose good foods. Eat whole grains, a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, and lean proteins. Use spices insteadofsalt. eStay hydrated, but don’t drink your calories. Swap out sugarfor an all-natural, zero-calorie sweetener such as Pure Via, made with a sweet extract of the stevia plant. Stick to this plan for at least 21 days. That’s the average length of timeit takes to create a new habit. For a conversion table on replacing sugar, a variety of sweet and savory recipes and moreinformation, visit --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190731-232256-20190731-232254-85040.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190731-232254-85040.pdf