Research Continues To Drive Advances Against Cancer Friday, March 1, 2019 (NAPSA)—It may seem surprising but there’s actually good newsin the fight against cancer. ARECORDHIGH NUMBER OF ‘CANCER SURVIVORS INTHEU.S. TODAY According to the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) annual CancerProgress Report,this year alone saw 27 new cancer treatments— the highest number ever reported in 2019: 16.9 million survivors 1971: 3 millionsurvivors the Cancer Progress Report; a record high numberof US. cancer survivors— morethan 16.9 million; and the benefit of increasing federal investment in the NationalInstitutes of Health (NIH). Amongthe new treatmentsare: 1. The first molecularly targeted therapeutic approved for treating can- cers with a specific genetic biomarker regardless ofthe type of cancer; and 2. The first immunotherapeutic for usein the treatmentofbreast cancer. For example, 63-year-old Keith Taggart hadsalivary gland cancer and wastold surgery could nolonger help. Hewasoffereda clinicaltrial testing a new targeted treatment. After he took a single larotrectinib (Vitrakvi) pill twice a dayfor four weeks, CT scans showed thatall but one tumorhad gone and the oneleft had shrunkby 65percent. Over Doctors have more—and better— ways than ever to combatcancer. cal innovation hasallowed us to make unparalleled progress against cancer” explainsDr.Elaine Mardis, Presidentof AACR.“Robust annualincreasesin fed- eral funding for medical research will pave the way for the next major breakthroughs that will transform patient care?” The report also emphasizes, how- ever, that despite this extraordinary progressagainstcancer, the disease continues to pose enormouspublic health challenges: time, it continued to shrink, and has + The number of new cancer cases in the United Statesis predictedtorise to Then there's 72-year-old Eva Joseph. +The number of high-school and been undetectable for about2 years. She was in a clinical trial testing an immunotherapy and chemotherapy combination as a treatmentfor patients with stage 4 triple-negative breast cancer. She says “this new immunother- apy is providing hopefor people who thoughtthey had no chanceto live, and it only came about because of cancer research andthe hard work and money that supportedit” “Overthe past few decades, a surge in scientific discovery and technologi- morethan 2.3 million in 2040. middle-schoolstudents using e-cigarettes, has jumped 78 percent and 49 percent from 2017 to 2018, respectively. + Obesity is responsible for about 8 per centof cancer cases among U.S. adults age 30 andolder, andits prevalence is rising. Learn More Forfurther facts aboutfighting can- cer, visit www.CancerProgressReport. org. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20191107-134113-20191107-134111-86843.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20191107-134111-86843.pdf