Put Your Home To Work This Winter Friday, March 1, 2019 (NAPSA)—Here’s an idea many homeowners may warm to: Rent out yourplace as a vacation home. With vacation rentals becoming a preferred choice for travelers and their families, homeownerscan realize the financialbenefits ofrenting their homes whenthey’re notin use. Infact, a recent report showsthat overhalf of vacation homeowners cover 75 percent oftheir mortgage with their rental income. You can rentouta variety of different properties to earn extra income, including primary residences rented for only a few weeks and vacation homesorsecond homes rented throughout the entire year. ‘This can be particularly lucrative idea for Floridians in the winter when snowbirdsfrom the Midwest and Northeastflock south. According to Vrbo data, there’s already a spike in vacation rental demand for the winter holiday season in popular areas such as Sarasota, Fort yey i A house in the sunnysouth can earn good money when rented out to snowbirds in the wintertime. You remain in total control of how often youlist your homeon the site— just one weekendofthe entire year, or for months at a time—whatever works for you andyourlifestyle. You simply explain what's unique about your property, showit off with photos, andset the price. Vrbo connects you withtravelers from home and abroad and managesthe paymentprocess. “Southwest Florida is an incredibly Myers, Clearwater and Naples. Available properties in these areasare in high popular destination for families and groups)’ said Bill Furlong, VP of North ers should payattention.With droves of listed on Vrbo. On average, homeowners to help homeownerscapitalize on the manyvisitors to these cities in the easiest way possible. Once a property is listed on Vrbo, we work to match that property to the right travelers and max- booking during the winterseason. homeowners.” demandthis winter, andlocal homeown- travelers looking to escape the cold for warmerclimates, over 700 million visi- tors are viewing Florida vacation homes in these areas can earnnearly $4,500 per HowTo GetIn On This So how can you cash in on this trend? For homeownerslookingto rent for the first time, Vrbo provides everything neededtogetstarted: from educational materials on how to market your rentalandattracttravelers to your property, to information to help you stay compliant with local regulations and a setoftools that help you optimize your pricing, bookings and communication withtravelers. American Businessat Vrbo. “We're here imize bookings and rental income for Calculate Your Income Potential A new rental calculator takes the guesswork out of the equation so you can get a preliminary estimate of what youcould earn evenbefore youlist, and clearideaofpotential extra income to help youplanforretirement, college tuition or other household costs. To learn more, check out your home’earningpotential, or get started withlisting, you canvisit the new rental calculator at www.vrbo.com/lyp. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20191107-134432-20191107-134430-86795.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20191107-134430-86795.pdf