How To Scratch Head Lice Off Your List Of Worries Friday, March 1, 2019 (NAPSA)—Oneofthe most common. human parasitic infestations around, head lice affect an estimated 6-12 million Amer- icans annually, most ofthem children. If your kids are at risk, heres something you should know: Catchinglice earlyis vital to helping stop the spread of these itchypests. What To Do Sinceit can take 4 to 6 weeks for symp- vous LICE LETTER LA ae >a 1F YOUR CHILD HAS BEEN YY HIDING EXPOSEDTO LICE 'S HEAD IT’S TOO LATE YOU NEED TO FORAREPELLENT KILL THE LICE! "rAMPo9 BAILY. in U tomssuchasitching to showup,it's a goodidea to make weekly lice checks a habit at hometo stop an infestation before it gets out of control. + Don'tshare itemsthat touch the head. Teach children to keep theirhats, helmets, brushes, headbands, scarves and other items to themselves. + When possible, have children wear Cae nd longhair pulled back. + Catchit early. If you notice your child Youcan bepreparedto protect your scratching his head, do a thorough family even before the dreaded “lice check. letter” comes home. outbreak, immediately check your child’s hair, searching for nits close to the scalp or sores from scratching at the nape of the neck or behind the designed only to make removal combing + Act quickly. If you are notified of an oflice easier. Vamousse Lice Treatment comes in a convenient mousse formula that kills lice and eggs before they hatch, ears. Check all family members using while they are still in the hair. In just one a nit comb. Apply a 50/50 solution of applicationit attacks the full life cycle of conditioner and water to the hair to adult lice and eggs so there's no waiting for make combing easier. Work under the eggs to hatch andthen treating again. brightlight and watch for movement. Examinethe combafter each stroke. + Don't worry anddon’t blamethechild. ‘This decreases the hassle andthe risk of its not the end of the world. There are affordable pesticide-free over-thecounter products that can help you treat the problem without having to spenda lotof time or money on going toa clinic, contracted. Nits and scurrying lice are so Even if yourkid does bring homelice, Here’s How To Handle The Problem spreadinglice throughout your family. Once exposedto lice,it’s toolate for a repellent. Stray lice may havealready been small that they can easily be missed during a parents visual inspection ofa child’shair. Ifyou dontfindlice but are still concerned or have just treated a child, you can switch the whole family to a daily lice defense shampoosuch as Vamousse Lice Defense ‘Treat anyone who’ infested. There for two weeks. It’s gentle, pesticide-free are more options than ever before for andusedjust like regular shampoo, yet treating headlice, howevernotall prod- ucts work the same. With lice growing increasingly resistantto traditional overthe-counter pesticides, look for a pesticide-free treatmentthat’ clinically proven effective against superlice and eggs. If a product doesnt specifically say it “kills” lice and eggs,it won't. Someproducts are laboratory studies have shownit can kill lice with each use. Learn More Forfurtherfacts andtips, visit www. Youcan beprepared to protect your family even before the dreaded “liceletter “comes home. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20191107-134222-20191107-134221-86800.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20191107-134221-86800.pdf