More Privacy Choices Are Just A Click Away Friday, March 1, 2019 (NAPSA)—Ifyou're like most people, AdChoices[>) changingthesettings on your computer or smartphonecan bea frustrating expe- rience, full of technologicaljargon, con- fusing menusandcomplicated controls. That's why the digital advertising industry decidedto create a simple and intuitive way for peopleto get information and make choices about certain typesof online ads they get. It’s as easy as clicking blue triangle. In the corner of many online and mobile ads today, there’s little blue triangle, sometimes labeled “AdChoices” or “Your AdChoices” That triangle is knownas the YourAdChoicesicon, and it can be your gateway to trustworthy information and control over digital ads, Whenyou see theblue triangle, it means the ad might be using information collected from other websites about yourinterests to help personalize adver- tising for you. The icon givesyou infor- mation about how that process works, along with choices to “opt out” if you don’t want to see that type of advertising, which is knownas“interest-based. advertising.” It makes predictions about the types of ads groupsof people might ‘wantto see based on data about the websites or apps they enjoy, such assports, movies, hobbiesortravel. To protect privacy, most advertising systems are designed to not connectthat data to actual namesor identities. Instead, those systems use a non-identifiable string of text—such as jsf284vn732ebul9dp—for each com- puter or mobile device, which lets them deliveradsto that device. Mostpeoplefind that type of adver- tising more relevant and helpful than generic ads.Ifyou're shoppingfor a new camera, it can show you adsfor dis- counts or camera accessories you might need. If your team won theplayoffs,it can makeit easy to buy the team’s new championshipgear.If you loveto travel, it can help you find bargains andlit- tle-knowndestinations. Perhaps equally important, those adshelp fundthefree websites, services, and appsyou use every day, including e-mail, news, videos, social media, pho- tos, mapsandsearch. If you wantto learn more about an. Beener 70% OFF cere Ltrs now @ The digital advertising industry createda way to protectyourprivacy and give you information and controlover ads, Just click the blue triangle. ad or control your choices, clicking on the icon gives you information about the companies that brought you the ad and a wayto turn off the collection and use of data for interest-based advertising from those companiesin the future. In addition,to learn more or control yourpreferences for hundreds of com- panies at once, you can go to YourAd, which serves as a control panelfor companies engaged in interest-based advertising, When you visit that site, you get access to a tool that performs a quick system check and shows you which companies are currently customizing adsfor yourbrowser. With a few clicks, you can optoutofreceiving those types of ads from any of those companies or all of them at once. The site also offers information and tools in the mobile world via the mobile website andthe “AppChoices”app,available for downloadfrom all major app stores. Run by the Digital Advertising Alliance, a non-profit self-regulatory program created and supported by the advertising industry, the YourAd Choices program—including Web Choices and AppChoices—gives mil- lions of people the tools to controltheir online advertising experiences. The icon is now served morethana trillion times a month worldwide, makingit easy to find anduseonall of your devices. Americans deserve control over how information about them is used for advertising. Happily, theres a sys- tem thatprotects privacy by design and makes it easy to get information and control.Just click the bluetriangle. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20191107-134403-20191107-134402-86796.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20191107-134402-86796.pdf