Combat Sickle Cell Disease by Filling the Missing Types Friday, March 1, 2019 by Filling the Missing Types (NAPSA)—‘Silent heroes” That's howBlaze Eppinger, whohas had sickle cell disease since birth, describes people who donate blood—and you could be among them. Sickle cellis a lifetimebattle and the oddsofleading a healthy life depend in part on whether hospitals have adequate inventoriesofthe right blood types. Asa child, Eppinger wouldget blood transfusionsat least monthly. Today,at 28, hestill needs nine or 10 transfusions a year—butit’s notalwayspossible. Blaze Eppingeris a sickle cell patient ha passion forsickle cell advocacy and motivating new anddiverse blood donors to “Whenbloodis notavailable for me, Ihavetostay in the hospitallonger,basi- cally fighting a sicklecell crisis” which, he explained,is very painful. “WhenI receive the blood donations that I need and my numbers goup, I feel like 'm back to myself” Eppinger added.“I don'tfeel the pain. I don'tfeel drained. It’s like puttinggasin the car or batteries in your remote.I’m energized!” The American Red Cross Missing ‘Types Campaignwasestablishedto help people like Blaze. Asfor the Red Cross andits volun- teer blood donors, Eppingersaid,“They give life more than they know.Its just an hour oftheirtime,but that helps save lives. If it weren't for generous blood donors, I wouldn't be alive.” To encourage new and current blood donors to donate bloodevery 56 days or as often as they can, Eppingervolunteers at the Sickle Cell Foundation of Georgia and Red Cross blooddrives. “To myfellow millennials” he said, “your blood donation can be whats neededtosavea sicklecell patient. Hav- ing bloodavailable for everyone who needsit is so important for people like mewhofightsicklecell.” Are youthe missing type? Schedule your next blood donation today by using the Blood DonorApp, by visiting or calling 1-800-RED CROSS(1-800-733-2767). ye -- Editor's Note: Notforpublication in Florida, Louisiana, New ‘Mexico Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota or North Dakota. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20191107-134228-20191107-134227-86756.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20191107-134227-86756.pdf