Breathing Lessons For Your Home Friday, March 1, 2019 Your Home (NAPSA)—Yourheating,ventilation andair-conditioning (HVAC)system is the lungs of your home.Taking proper care ofit can help everyone breathe easier. Q: Are there any health benefits that come from HVAC system cleaning? ‘A: HVACsystemshave been shown to collecta variety of contaminants such as mold,fungi, bacteria and very small particles of dust that have the potential to affect overallhealth. ‘The removal of contaminants from your home’s HVACsystem is an impor- tant step for improving indoor air quality. CeOae ur CU Peau cise ia (ay Re axel) a) Q: How often should residential HVACsystemsbecleaned? ‘A: Frequency ofcleaning depends on several factors, including: + smokersin the household; pets that shed high amountsofhair and dander + water contamination or damageto the homeor HVACsystem;and + residents with allergies or asthma who mightbenefit from a reduction in the amountofindoorair pollutants. Q: Whyshould I choose a NADCA memberto have myair ducts cleaned? A: NADCA members havesigned a Code ofEthics stating that they will do everything possible to protect the consumer and follow ACR—the NADCA standard—for cleaning to the best of theirability. Tolearn more,visit BreathingClean. com. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20191107-134436-20191107-134435-86744.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20191107-134435-86744.pdf