How To Never Miss A Day Of Your Medication Friday, March 1, 2019 HowTo NeverMiss A Day Of Your Medication (NAPSA)—Mostpeoplecan’t goa day Aa withouta cupofcoffee or checking their e-mail. Butwith the demands ofeveryday life it’s not surprising thatabout50 percent of patients sometimes fail to take their dailymedications as prescribed. According to a new survey by ‘WebMD,over the past six months onethird of respondents either sometimes or mostofthe time missed taking their medication as prescribed even though 76 percent knowit can cause their condition to worsen or symptomsto return. When asked why theyd missed a dose, 66 percent of survey respondents said that they forgot, 38 percent said they experienced side effects, and 26 percent weren't able to get to the pharmacyto refill their prescription on time. “Not following a prescription cor- is\< ALS Vel said Jamal Downer, a Walgreens phar- Your pharmacist can help you make sure you take your medicine on time. expert who can help you understand + Simplifying your refills: Pharmacists howto use tools like smartphone apps that make it easier and more convenient to stay on track” Steps to help you take your medica- Save a Trip Refills* program for free. Refilling your prescription can be rectly can seriously impact your health,” macist. “Your local pharmacist is an your medications and provide tips on tions include services online, through appsandin store: Getting help wheneveryou need it: A can also coordinate your prescription refills to a single pickup date with the made more convenient by switching to a 90-day supply or setting up automaticrefills. Makingrefills convenient: Just like support team, and nowthey are available anytime via phone. Walgreens you can order purchases online from your phone, you can have refills shipped directly to your home. With access to pharmacists who can answer questions to help you better under- a dedicated line or get their eligible pharmacist is an integral part of your PharmacyChat service provides 24/7 stand your medications, including side effects and how the other medi- Walgreens Express”, patients can prepay and pick up prescriptions in medications delivered. Frompill reminders to tools for con- cines you take and food you eat may veniently managing your condition, the interact with another drug. answer to improved health and saving Setting reminders: Whether you need money could be in the palm of your a quick prompt to take your pill or a hand. Download the Walgreens app text alert that your refill is available, or ask your local pharmacist how they calendar notifications and free tools like pill reminder can help ensure you always have your medication on hand. can help youstay on track with your medications. Forfurther information,goto http:// --- PHOTOS --- File: 20191107-134324-20191107-134323-86781.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20191107-134323-86781.pdf