Five Ways To Help Prevent Veteran Suicide Friday, March 1, 2019 (NAPS)—Its a tragedy: Every day, 22 US.veteranstake their own lives—a needless loss of 8,000 service members ayear. ‘The Problem Returning veterans may experience divorce, joblessness, homelessness and hopelessness. ‘The often-devastating effects of mild to moderate traumatic brain injury (mTBI) and post-traumatic stress (PTS), hai Photo by Loute Favorite Horticulture therapy is one type of recreation therapy provided to clients in the SHAREMilitary Initiative at aches and problems with balance, Shepherd Centeras partof a compresleep, vision and memory. Emotional hensive treatment approach. plusthelossoftheir military community support, can cause a downward spiral. Symptoms of mT'BI include head- signs include depression and anxiety. But today’s treatment approaches and therapeutic technologies offer hope for are personalized to each veteran's needs. ‘The program is open to all post-9/11 veterans, including those with other veteransfeeling overwhelming physical and emotional pain from these invisible than honorable discharges. woundsofwar. What You Can Do 1.Be observant about behavior changes. For many veterans, the physical symptomsof mIBIare not obvious. Be on the lookoutfor loss of interest in meaning- fal activities, personality changes, social isolation and substance abuse. Because of intensive and compre- hensive therapy, rehabilitation andlife coaching, SHARE has become a model for centers nationwide. Experts in working with veteransprovide medical consultation, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech and cognitive therapy, recreation therapy, case man- 2.Reach out and spend time agement, neuropsychology, chaplaincy together. Let a veteran know he or sheis andcounseling. not alone. Meetforcoffeeor go for a walk. 4, Volunteer or donate to organiListen and encourage them to seek help. zations battling the epidemic of vet3. Tell veterans andtheir families eran suicide. about helpful programs. Encourage 5, Support fundraisers and events, caregivers, spouses and friends to seek suchasthe Shepherd’s Men Run. Annuhelp on behalf ofa veteran. ally, a team of committed volunteers Oneoutstanding optionthat’s trans- runs seven daysofhalf marathons in formedthelives of more than 550 vet- erans andtheir families is the SHARE Military Initiative at Shepherd Center multiple states wearing 22-pound flak jackets—to increase awarenessoftreat- mentoptionsand suicide prevention for in Atlanta, Ga. This innovative program provides up to 12 weeks of intensive rehabilitation, at nocost to the veteran, to treat mild to moderate brain injury veterans, Shepherd’s Men have raised whoserved in the U.S. military since September 11, 2001. Treatment plans and www. and psychological concerns of those millionsfor this heartfelt mission. Learn More Veterans and those who want to help can call 404-603-4314 or visit --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190801-021000-20190801-020958-86703.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190801-020958-86703.pdf