Is It Seasonal Allergies Or Dry Eye? Friday, March 1, 2019 of Is It Seasonal Allergies Or Dry Eye? (NAPSA)—Two of the more com- moneye-related problemsare dry eyes andeyeallergies. While the symptoms aresimilar, there are differences between the two conditions. Sometimes they can occur at the same time, compounding the problem. That's why it's important to have a medical eye exam to determine the cause of your symptomsso you can get the appropriate treatment.If you're concerned about the cost of the exam, the Ifyour dry, itchy eyes are notrelieved by over-the-counter products, you EyeCare America program maybeable should see an ophthalmologist. ‘American AcademyofOphthalmology’s to help. UnderstandingAllergies Seasonal eye allergy symptomsare like dry eye, but itchiness is more common. Whenyouresensitive to an aller- gensuch as molds, pollen,dust or grass, histamineis released, causingitchy, red eyesthat tear or burn. Over-the-counter medicationsare often effective. You can alsotake the following stepsfor relief: Limit exposure to the outdoors on high-pollen count days. + Wash your face and handsafter being outside to reduce the amountofpollen. on the skin, Don't rub youreyes; it may increase the irritants and make symptoms worse. Examining Dry Eye Dry eye is a complex disease that has manycausesthat often overlap and interact. Dry eye can happen whenthe eye doesn't produce enough tears or whenthe quality of the tears can't keep the surface ofthe eye adequately lubri- cated. It frequently occurs with other health conditions. People tend to make fewer tears as they get older due to hormonalchanges. Both men and women can get dry eye. However, it is more common in women—especially after menopause. Commonsymptomsofdry eye dis- ease may include sensitivity to light, dryness and itchiness, the feeling that somethingis in the eye, fluctuat- ing vision, eye fatigue and excess eye watering. Ophthalmologists—physicians spe- cializing in medical and surgical eye care—will prescribe a variety oftreatments based on the cause of the dry eye. For many people, though, a few simple lifestyle changes can resolve the problem: Try adding moistureto the air with a humidifier. + Protectyour eyes from drying wind by wearing wraparoundglassesoutside. + Add omega-3 fatty acids to your diet for dry eye relief. These are in oily fish (such as salmon, sardines, tuna, trout and anchovies) andin flaxseeds. + Use artificial tear ointment or thick eyedropsjust before you goto bed. If your eyes remain red andirri- tated after trying these tips, see your ophthalmologist. About FyeCare America EyeCare America isa nationalpublic service program that provides eye care through volunteer ophthalmologists for seniors 65 andolder, and those at increased risk for eye disease. To see if youor yourloved ones areeligible, visit Since 1985, EyeCare America has helped morethan 2 million people with sight-saving eye care and resources, and more than 90 percentofthe care provided is at no out-of-pocket cost to the patient. The programis co-sponsored by the Knights Templar Eye Foundation, Inc., with additional support provided by Alcon and Regeneron. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20191107-134307-20191107-134306-86729.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20191107-134306-86729.pdf