The Importance Of Early Screening For Autism Friday, March 1, 2019 (NAPSA)—Autism affects an esti- matedone in every 59 children. Though early intervention can make lifetime of difference, far too many children are not diagnosedearly enough. WhatIs Autism? Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), refers to a broad range of condi- tions characterized by challenges with socialskills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication. There is not just one kind of autism but rather many subtypes, and each person with autism can have unique strengths and challenges. A combination of genetic and environmentalfactors can influence the developmentofautism. Forchildren whohave a screeningcan makea lifetime of d ference, and a diagnosis is just the first step toward getting the help neededto fulfill their potential. cent higher than for African American early intensive behavioral intervention Hispanic children—suggesting missed andsocial skills in young children with Foryoungchildren on the spectrum, early interventionis crucial; it can translate to a lifetime of impact by supporting healthy development, improving ‘The nonprofit Autism Speaks is dedicated to empowering parents to help children with autism live their best pos- 2. Take Action: Ifyour child displays Though ASD can bereliably diag- any ofthese signs, ask your pediatrician nosed asearly as age2,the averageage of orfamily doctorfor an evaluation right diagnosis in the UnitedStates is between away. While every child develops dif4and5. Furthermore,the reported prev- ferently, early screening improves outalence among white children is 7 per- comes,Studies show, for example, that children and 22 percent higher than for ordelayed diagnosesin those groups. communication, decreasingchallenging behaviors andleading to positive outcomeslater in life. What You Can Do 1. Learn the Signs:Parents can learn improves learning, communication autism spectrum disorders. WhatOthers Are Doing sible lives, while working to increase understanding and acceptance for the 70 million people worldwide with autism. “Wehope togivefamiliesthetools they need to identify early signs, feel empow- to recognize the early signs of autism. ered to get their children screened and signs of autism. That’s why all children Speaks President and CEO Angela Geiger. Notall children with autism show all should be screened for autism. A diagnosisis the first step toward supporting yourchildren to help them fulfill their potential. Here are somepossible signs of autism: + Nobig smiles or eye contact at 6 months +No babbling, back and forth gestures such as pointing, andlittle responseto their nameat 12 months + Veryfew words at 16 months + Notwo-wordphrasesat 24 months + Restricted interests + Repetitive behaviors + Unusual andintense reactions to sounds, smells, tastes, textures,lights or colors + Lossofspeech orsocialinteraction at any age. seek support if they needit? said Autism “Autism Speaks is committed to closing the diagnosis gap soall children receive supportas early as needed” Ifyou think yourchild may be onthe autism spectrum orif a child you know is on the autism spectrum,you can get personalized support and answers to questions about autism from the organization’s Autism Response Team in English at (888) AUTISM2 and en Espafiol at (888) 772-9050 or by e-mail at Learn More At and Detec, families can access resourcesto learn thesigns ofautism, use an autism screeningtool, and find nearby service providers and supports forbefore, during andafter an autism diagnosis. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20191107-134234-20191107-134232-86731.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20191107-134232-86731.pdf