Make Tidying Your House Easier Friday, March 1, 2019 MakeTidying Your House Easier (NAPSA)—“Todayis the day I will clean all the things!” We've all been there. We wake up with boundless energy andenthusiasm, ready to tackle the never-ending cleaning and organi: ing to-dolist. Butlet’s faceit, this motivation dwindles quickly because thelist is daunting. Keep your homein order with these easy tasks. Bedrooms *Make the beds every morning to brighten up a room and make it look pulled together. + Put awaycleanclothesin closets and drawers right after washing. + Pick up the miscellaneousitemsleft on nightstands every day. Getting rid offood andother stains on carpeting can be easier than manypeoplereali Living Room + Whenthecentral room of your home is organized,it does wonders for the rest of the house. Fold blankets, fluff pillows and stack magazines. Hide the remaining clutter in baskets—they lookdecorative buthideclutter. + Dust furniture every week to add a shineto the room. Floors Vacuum hard floors and carpets weekly. + Eliminatestainsfrom rugs and carpets with Spot Shot” Instant Carpet Stain Remover. Whether you spilled your morning coffee or found a month-old spaghetti stain, Spot Shot easily and quickly removesfood, drink, dirt and pet stains. + Removescuff marks from hardwood floors by rubbing the mark with a cleantennisballuntilit disappears. Kitchen Put dirty dishes into the dishwasher immediately after a meal. Clean countertopswith a mix of equal parts water and apple cider vinegar every evening. Place a lemon peelin your garbage disposal andrunit for a fresh scent. Bathrooms + Wipe down sinks, mirrors, shower doors and counters for an instant upgradeevery week. Cover the showerhead and faucets witha plastic bagfilled with vinegar to remove mineral deposits as needed. Learn moreaboutSpotShot” Instant Carpet Stain Removerat and pick up a can at Walmart. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20191107-134437-20191107-134436-86730.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20191107-134436-86730.pdf