What To Do About The Flu Friday, March 1, 2019 (NAPSA)—It’the peak offlu season, and while fortunately we are not experiencing the epidemic oflast year, millionsarestill suffering from theflu this year. Although common,the flu can be serious and evenlead to hospitalization or death. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that in the last seven years the flu has been responsible for more than 700,000 hospitalizations and more than 55,000 deaths across the UnitedStates. Early identification of systems and subsequenttreatmentis key to making sure youlimittheflu’sseverity. For those with pre-existing conditionslike asthma, andespecially for young children and the elderly, knowing the difference between a cold andtheflu is very important. Even ifyou've hadtheflu vaccination thisyear,it’s still possible to catch the flu andpassit on to others. Doctor's Advice “Every year wefind thatpatients have a tendency to underestimate the flu and forget what a serious health risk it presents,particularly for the very young and forseniors,butreally for anyone whenit is left unaddressed?explained Jason Tibbels, M.D., board-certified family physician and vice president of Health Services at ‘Teladoc,theleader in virtualcare. “With- out proper care,the flu canbelife threat- ening,so it’ vital to seek care as soon as you're experiencing any symptoms” ‘Therisk of flu varies state by state, butis currently widespread across most of the US., even in states that tend to have warmerclimates, such as Texas, California andFlorida, for example. What To Watch For So how do you knowif you have the flu? Flu symptomsareoften very similar If you developthe nasal congestion, achesand feverof theflu, get a doctor’s advice right away. (at or above 101 F) andchills are asso- ciated with theflu andare nottypical of the commoncold. 3. Aches and headaches. Severe muscle or body achesarea telltale flu symptom. 4. Known exposure. Close contact with individuals known to have influenza can increase the chance of contracting the virus. WhatTo DoIf You Have The Flu If you're experiencing flu symp- toms, don't wait to seek care. Fortunately in today’s era of virtual care, many have access to board-certified doctors from any location, using a phone, mobile app or the Web. This keeps you out of places such asthe ER, which can be breeding groundsforill- ness, and enableschildren andadults to stay in the comfortof their home when sick. Becauseit’s symptomatic,theflu is one ofthe best conditions to diagnose via virtual care, yet many people don't evenrealize they can accessa telehealth solution throughtheir health benefits. “Ifyou are feeling sick, the last place 1. Quick onset. Theflu often comes you wantto beis sitting in a crowded waiting room,potentially being exposed to otherillnesses,” said Dr. Tibbels.“Visiting a Teladoc doctoris an effective way to get quality care, while also containing symptomsandstopping the spread offlu” 2.Fever. A moderate to high fever Forfurtherfacts about Teladoc and. about yourflu risk, visit www.Teladoc. com/flu. to those of a cold andincludenasal congestion, cough, aches andfatigue. Dr. Tibbels says the top four signs you may havetheflu are: on suddenly, whereas cold symptoms can slowly worsen over a few days and are generally milder. Learn More --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190731-234506-20190731-234504-86645.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190731-234504-86645.pdf