Save Energy And Money Friday, March 1, 2019 (NAPSA)—Dontlet window replace- ment become a “pane” in your wallet. Theres a disconnect between saving money on energy with window replace- ments, according to governmentagencies. In fact, they found, it may take decades to recoupthe cash spentontheinstallation ofnew, energy-efficient windows. ‘The Problem Theassessedvalue of adding 20 new energy-efficient windowsin California, for example, may range from $10,220 to $18,580, based on a 2019 building To save money and energy, have window film installed insteadof replacement windows assessors manuallisting $511 to $929 for each window. Annualenergy savings for the replacementofexisting windows in a homeare from $27to $111 for dual- pane windows and $126 to $465 for single-pane windows, accordingto the U.S. DepartmentofEnergy. This means it may take decadestofinancially justify windowreplacements based on energy savings alone. An Answer Fortunately, theres an alternative. Window films offer advanced energy savings and other benefits and can be quickly installedat a fraction ofthe cost of replacementwindows,often with a return ‘on investmentin underthree years. “Window films professionally installed on structurally sound single- or double-pane windows may reduce energy consumption by as much as 30 percent, while the installation cost may be 91.5 percentless than putting in new windows,’ explained Darrell Smith of the nonprofit International Window Film Association. Learn More Forfurther facts andstats aboutsaving moneyandenergy, go to --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190801-043034-20190801-043032-86646.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190801-043032-86646.pdf