Tips To Avoid A Multigenerational Home Energy Crisis Friday, March 1, 2019 from a multigenerational home energy crisis? If so, you're not alone. Multigen- erational households are on the rise, with a record onein five Americans liv- ing in homesshared by multiple adult generations, causing various domestic growing pains—including skyrocketing heatingandcooling bills. With home climate control com- prising the largest share of household energy expense,a fresh lookat your sys- Leveragingthelatest, most efficient climate control systems and technoltem might be a smartstep toward avert- ogies can cutyourenergy bill and iningthis mounting issue. Especially since crease family comfortin a crowded financial factors, including staggering multigenerational household. child care expenses, exorbitant assisted living and nursing homecosts, andcollege debt, are primary causes of this sharedliving trend. In fact, 66 percent of adults living in a multigenerational householdcite the current economicclimate as a factor, while 21 percent said it was the only factor, according to a Harris Interactive survey conducted on behalf of Generations United. The good news is there are some practicaltips that can help prevent home climate controlfrom becoming crisis. Enjoya Full House AND OptimalEnergy Efficiency Upgrading your system andinstalling a smart thermostat can significantly reduce yourutility expense. The most energy-efficient heating and cooling products on the market, ductless mini-split systems, can save as much as 25percenton yourenergybill. An effi- ciently controlled thermostat could save an additional 10percent a year. HowDuctless Mini-Split Systems Work Thin coppertubing pumps refriger- antfrom an outdoor compressordirectly into an indoorair-handling unit, from whereit’s quietly distributed to the interior. This eliminates the need for basement orattic evaporators and bulky, expensive ductwork.Mini-splits are easy to install and usually require only a 3- to 4-inch hole through a wall or ceiling to connectthe units. ExpansionEfficiency Is Key ‘The “boomerang”and “reverse boomerang” effect are the most common causesof these crowded housesasadult children continue to return home and aging parents increasingly movein with their “boomer” children. In response, accessory dwelling units—also known unitsto a single outdoor unit. Each zone hasits own thermostat so occupants can adjust each room to the temperature they want. Further, only occupied areas are heated, which can represent a signif- icant savings considering the kitchen, dining room,living room and bedrooms are unoccupiedforat least 40 percent of the timein most households. Be “Smart” About HomeClimate Control Smart HVAC systems and smart thermostats can also help. Smart HVAC systems have built-in Internet capabil- ity and can be controlled directly with- out additional equipment. Smart home thermostats create “smart” systems by enabling remote temperature control via a mobile or Internet-connected device or voice-operated home auto- mation system. Several leading man- ufacturers, including Fujitsu General America,offer smart systemsas well as optionsto controlits single and multizone HalcyonandAirstage heating and cooling systems using a third-party smart thermostat. “Voice” Your Temperature Preferences Family members can “voice” their own temperature choices. Most HVAC manufacturers offer apps that let you control systems from anywhere using a mobile device. Now, voice-control capability uses digital assistants, such as Amazon Alexa, to verbally dictate hometemperatures—“Alexa,set the living room temperature to 70 degrees.” Forinstance, Fujitsu’s free FGLair app enables Web-activated control via mobile devices and voice-activated control via AmazonAlexa. You don't haveto let a multigener- as grannyflats, in-law apartments,lane- ational homeenergy crisis overshadow the blessing offamily bonding. Foradditionalspaces, mini-splitsfeature custom zonecontrol,letting homeowners connect two to eight indoor Forfurther information orto find a way houses and backyard cottages—are increasingly popular. Learn More contractor nearby, call (888) 888-3424 orvisit --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190731-170240-20190731-170235-86656.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190731-170235-86656.pdf