Struggling With Addiction? Tips On Finding Quality Treatment Thursday, March 1, 2018 Tips On Finding Quality Treatment (NAPSA)—It can be overwhelming and confusing to know where to start if you needtofind treatmentfor an alcohol or drug addiction. Addiction touches nearly everyone in some way,yetthere is no one-size-fits all approach to effective treatment. With many addiction treatment options, finding a program that will provide the quality care you or your loved one needs to address their specific addiction issues can be challeng- ing. These stepswill help you know what to look forto find a treatment program that is high quality andtailored to your needs. How DoYou Find A TreatmentProvider? If you have insurance, a good first step is to contact your insurer. Ask about your coverage and whether they have a network of preferred providers. If you don't have insurance, you still Treating addiction doesn’t have to be somethingyoudo alone. ers or programsoffer more than oneform ofeffective treatment. Effective programs will also be mindful of or address men- tal health andphysical disorders that will affect substance use treatment. 3. Medication: Confirm whether the program offers FDA approved medication for recovery from alcohol and opioid use disorders. However, keep in hhave access to quality care. Each state has funding to provide treatment for people without insurance coverage. Find out whereto call for information about paymentforservicesat: https:// mind that currently, there are no FDA approved medications to help prevent WhatShould You Look For In A viding support. Make sure the treatment Quality treatment programsoffer a the treatment process. Program OrProvider? full rangeof services accepted aseffec- tive in treatment and recovery from addiction. Keep these points in mind when weighing youroptions. relapse from otherproblem substances. 4, Families: Family members have an importantrole in understanding the impactofaddiction on families and pro- program includes family members in 5. Continuing Care: For many people addiction requires ongoing medi- cation and supports. Quality programs provide treatment for the long term, which mayinclude ongoing counseling or recovery coaching and support, and thestate. This ensures the provider meets helpsin meeting otherbasic needs like basic quality and safety requirements. sober housing, employment supports, You shouldalso check that the program andcontinuedfamily involvement. 1. Accreditation: Make surethe treat- mentprogram is licensedor certified by is accredited, which meansit meetsstan- dards of care set by a national, compli- ance organization.Be sure to ask the pro- gram to show you how peopleusing their services haverated them. 2. Evidence-Based Treatment: Check to determineif the program offerseffective and proven substance use disorder treatments, such as medication management, cognitive behavioral therapy, drug andalcohol counseling, education about the risks of drug and alcohol use, and peer support. Quality treatment provid- Once you've identified a treatment program that meets the criteria above, call for an appointment. Many pro- gramsprovide walk-in services. If they can't see you ora family memberwithin 48 hours, find another provider. (It is importantthat the provider or program connect youto care quickly). You can find more information about finding addiction treatment by visiting: https://findtreatment.samhsa. gov/ orcalling the National Helplineat (800) 662-HELP (4357). --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190731-234600-20190731-234558-86411.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190731-234558-86411.pdf