Ending The Tragedy Of 'Family Fire' Thursday, March 1, 2018 (NAPSA)—Onthe battlefield, one of the greatest tragedies is “friendly fire” and the military does everything in its powerto avoid these incidents through rigorous training, constant communi- cation, and a deadly serious focus on the safe use of weapons. All Americans would be wise to look to our military professionals as an example of how to solve thetragedy of“family fire” in this country. Nearly 3,000 kids are shot every year by guns that comefrom within our homes. Whilethese tragedies are hard to think about, there is much we can do to keepour families safe. As a Marine Corps combat veteran and lifelong gun owner, I enjoy firearms and marksmanship. Gunsare a big part of military culture. Many of mycivilian friendsalso enjoy shooting, andall of us are alarmed by the number of gun deaths each year in America. Whatis Properprecautions and gun safety smarts can preventthe tragedy of family fire accidents. through safe gunstorage.Parents, veter- ansandall gun owners cando our part to keep families and communitiessafe. Here are some proven ways we can save lives: 1. Just as in the military, our guns should be unloaded whennotin use and locked upin a safe, gun vault or storage case that’s inaccessibleto kids. especially hard for meto understand are 2. Store ammunition in a secure the preventable deaths caused by negli- location awayfrom your firearms. gent gun owners who improperly store 3, Ensure you also securethe combitheir firearms. Family fire rips apart families and shatters whole communities, and so much more canbe doneto stopit. We shouldn't need legislation to know what's sensible to keep our families and loved onessafe. Responsible gun owners realize that proper storage of weapons saveslives andit’s our duty to keep firearmsoutof the wrong hands. Can weagreeit's our job to do everything wecanto keep kidssafe? Ending “FamilyFire” Eight kids are unintentionally shot by a gunevery day.Since September11, 2001, nearly 57,000 kids have beenkilled or injured byfirearms. This is almost the same numberas servicemembers who havebeenkilled and woundedin action in Iraq and Afghanistanoverthe past 17 nationorkeysto yoursafe(s), vault(s) or case(s). 4, Teach kids firearm responsibility and safety. Gunsare not toys. They are deadly weaponsdesigned to stop beat- inghearts. If your kids see a gunlying around,teach them notto touchit and to tell an adult. 5, Kidsshould neveruse a gun without adult supervision.(Ifyour child has friends visiting, its always best to get their parents’ permissionfirst.) 6. If your child is visiting a friend’s home, ask the parent(s) if they have guns in the home and howthey are stored. 7. Never assume kids don't know where guns arestored in the home. They always do. In the Marine Corps, we had a say- years ofwar. ing that every time welost a Marine to Gun owners who don't properly a preventable incident, we did the enesecure their weapons cause those inci- miesjob for them. Remember,there are dents. As someone who has undergone no “accidents” with firearms—there is extensive weapons and safety training only negligence. Keep yourfamilies safe while in the military, 'm shocked and by keepingyour guns secure. appalled that todaythere are 1.7 million American homes with kids living with unsecured, loaded guns. Each of these families is living a hair’s breadth away from tragedy. What Every Gun Owner Can Do Fortunately, unintentional shoot- Learn More You canlearn more aboutpreventing gunaccidents from the experts at www. EndFamilyFire.org. Joe Plenzler is a retired Marine Corps lieutenant colonel and combatveteran of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He is a ings in the home are largely preventable gun ownerandavid shooter. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190801-113945-20190801-113943-86372.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190801-113943-86372.pdf