You Can Breathe Easier Thursday, March 1, 2018 (NAPSA)—If you or someone you care aboutsuffers with allergies, you're notalone.In fact, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Pre- vention, more than 30 million Amer- icans have asthma, while another 26 million orso suffer withallergicrhinitis. Even your pets can haveallergies, veter- inarianssay. What To Do Fortunately, you canfindrelief. One secret to surviving allergies year-round is to get a newsetof replacement HVAC Yourrelief fromallergies and asthmacanstart with cleanair filters in yourheating and cooling system. (heating,ventilation and air-condition- ing)filters. Thesefilters trap the spores, pollen,pet hair and dander, and other allergens that comein fromtheoutside. Once installed, inspect the filters regularly, every three months. When saturated with dirt and particles, it’s time to replace them. According to a survey, one-quarter of US.adults don’t changetheirfilters regularly andover 26million never change them atall. Yet, 89 percent of those who did found dust,pet hair and dander, and eveninsects on the old ones! If you're new to buying replace- mentfilters, how do you know what to choose? Removeandinspect those currently in place. Rating systemslike MERV(MinimumEfficiency Reporting Value), based ona filter’s thickness,will point you in the right direction, as can the brand nameor dimensionsyou find onthefilters you're replacing. Expert Advice ‘The experts at,a lead- ing US. manufacturer of over 600sizes offilters and a great source for low-cost, top-quality replacementsfor almost any filtration device, said, “In manycases,it doesn’t occur to people that something as simple and easy as changing their home’airfilters can help them breathe better and keeptheallergy sufferers in their family comfortable” Learn More Forfurtherfacts andtips, visit www. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190801-043128-20190801-043127-86358.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190801-043127-86358.pdf