Ground Water: A Low-Profile, Valuable Resource Thursday, March 1, 2001 (NAPSABy nature water it henyes Jaw, profil, bul grourd &2 ural trzoure halpape sey Pein exrjateme, humgn ieword nd (ramasroundthe TEs ean Stunden, essa slate! resourcemanaged, hal, if erally conoor ard protected Fastharerdaindstnily “Ground woterk the watethal precipi: sl fom snainto Tian and morse downwacd Iebeds il cred aed aber operings in SProcks and sand Tl the provides 2 Significantpartionaf flaw af Rony clrsama and upreplenishes Selids: Tl mokes abou30 on water fresh the of Percent arth olinching poeix cape nthe US.47 percent ofthepor Uiaiondegandl an ground weler Faris drinking watersupgly "This resoure plays 2 key ore role rately completig 2 waterwell inthanfarming, In, by providing 36forpercentof the water “Gorcuerslskirg for quaifed nacded sgrculturaliergation [akleg plac in the US. iheandwater pro Sea wolerhave walla cariractorstheir tiding 1 percentaf valuableservos feo onin the oad‘any in rataegleartack oniractor Lackup the pene da ral, however, National Hel Owrers Aeiainn lake ground walers merileinto uileww wncllownarary doce Web when making Saredderlton Spansnred by the Natnral Ground Fiore invelving their own water Boter amocatton, the Web ce Eugply surh a8 chewing 2 heme Tiieclates 7 Tipe for deveopieg 2 private Srhing # stand onTo lalwater water Supply regulations additionto saply an slndard wall "Tnlarmation Shen bieg the mealcelafectve ‘ler suppl, graund waterwater prov inelllntion contractsec ater quay ‘ited by private Pousshald LWall waintenanes recom Sells alae consumers lo gueedby mendations The purtyat heir oem water Racteatoul ground watermeme contaminants il ramregular rattling Sed scheduling mai mis= NGHA ie 3 nepal Raves checks pd bara ane ‘ership sumeia lion that aliely “alee well contraciars can Shonurages learning mare aeziel Narenvners by determine Sround water and private baud waler ing the faeiiity ofinstalling = oa tepler well chonzing eal ull pe Por mors informalinn, please cPeeatas conditienesthe and eal @00) 351-7375, --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190719-134619-20190719-134614-49679.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190719-134614-49679.pdf