Your Brakes May Be Trying To Tell You Something Thursday, March 1, 2018 Be Car Care Aware’ Your Brakes MayBeTrying To Tell You Something (NAPS)—If your brakes are trying to tell you something, you should pay attention. A properly operating brake system helps ensure safe vehicle con- trol and operation and it should be checked immediately if you suspect any problems. “While an annualbrake inspection is a good way to ensure brake safety, motorists should not ignore signs that their brakes need attention,’ said Rich White, executive director, il. “Knowing the key warning signs that your brakes may need mainte- nance will go a long way toward keeping you andotherssafe on the road” WhatTo Watch Out For Motorists should lookfor the following warningsigns that their brakes need to be inspected: + Noise: screeching, grindingor clicking noises when applying the brakes. + Pulling:vehicle pulls to oneside while braking. + Low Pedal: brake pedalnearly touches the floor before engaging. + Hard Pedal: you must apply extreme pressure to the pedal before brakes Your brakes may be squealing on you.If so,it’s safe to say, you should listen to them. can affect brake wearinclude driving habits, operating conditions, vehicle type andthe quality ofthe brakelining material. Be sureto avoid letting brakes get to the metal-to-metalpointas that can mean expensive rotor or drum replacement. The iloffers a free custom service schedule and e-mail reminder service to help car owners engage. rememberto havetheir brakes inspected andtake goodcareoftheir vehicles. It’s an easy-to-use resource designed to help motorists drive smart, save money and make informeddecisions. touchto the pedal. source of information for the “Be + Grabbing: brakes grab at the slightest The il is also the Vibration: brake pedal vibrates or pulses, even under normal braking campaign promoting the benefits of Light: brake light is illuminated on repair to consumers. conditions. yourvehicle's dashboard. Because brakes are a normal wear item on anyvehicle, they will eventually need to be replaced. Factors that Car Care Aware” consumereducation regular vehicle care, maintenance and Learn More Fora copy ofthe council’s “Car Care Guide”or for further information, visit --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190730-124645-20190730-124643-86256.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190730-124643-86256.pdf