Steps Well Owners Can Take During Drought Wednesday, March 1, 2017 (NAPSA)—In any given year, parts of the United States experience conditions ranging from abnormally dry to severe drought, and for private water well owners there are steps that can help them weath- er a dry spell, according to the National Ground Water Association (NGWA). DroughtEffects On Wells When a well goes “dry” due to drought, it often means the water table drops below the level of the pump.It is Even during a drought, there are ways to keep yourwell from running dry. water level drops, that person will end below the water table. The size and condition of the well casing will dictate if a like putting a straw into the top ofa full glass of water. If a person drinks the water and does not lower the straw as the up suckingair. Thereis still water in the well deeper to extend its depth back glass, but the straw is aboveit. well can be drilled deeper. well shallow enough, the waterlevel can not guarantee that it will produce more If drought is severe enough or the drop below the level of the well entirely. Wells typically do not go dry at once. Rather, the water table drops gradually due to a lack of replenishmentfrom rain. Often, older wells drilled only into the top of an aquifer are most likely to failfirst. Depending on the severity of drought, it can take multiple soakingrains over time for an aquifer to be replenished. Some aquifers are sealed off from surface water replenishment due to an impermeable layer of rock. A well drilled into such an aquifer is drawing from a limited source of water, which, when depleted, could take hundreds or even thousandsof years to replenish. Diagnosing Loss In Well Productivity Even in an area of water scarcity, a well’s loss of productivity could be due to reasons other than a lowering of the water table. A qualified water well system contractor can determinethe cause. Whenthe problem is not a lowered water table, a well sometimes can be re- habilitated to yield substantially more water. Often, various techniques can be applied to the well screen or surround- ing geology to enable waterto flow more freely into the well. Whenthe problem is a lowered wa- ter table, it may be possible to drill the Deepening a well, however, does water. In some cases, a new well drilled ina different location may be necessary to provide a morereliable water supply. A reputable water well system professional can inspect a well and recommendoptions. Using Water Wisely Oneaspect of using water wisely is not wasting it. Installing a water meter can providevaluable information on how much water is being used and the effectiveness of various conservationefforts. Anotheraspect of using water wisely is managing its use; for instance, sched- uling water-intensive activities such as clothes washing, dishwashing and showers across the day so they are not occurring simultaneously. This allows the well and any storage tankstorefill to meet the next need. Yet another water managementtool involves installing transducers in the well. These monitor water levels andsignal the pumpto activate when adequate wateris available. Learn more about water well owner- ship and find well owner lessons, webinars, an app, and information on well construction, maintenance, water testing, water treatment, and groundwater protection at --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190801-055924-20190801-055921-85977.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190801-055921-85977.pdf