Tips On Selecting Easy-To-Use Products Thursday, March 1, 2001 Tips On Selecting Easy-To-Use Products (APSA)There's goad news forthe alliofAmstconewith other webiiy i Srinrand tons he id srapleting every dap tacks to be dilicall and Foundations etal The Aethriie FiteofUse" compaign carsumer lie onelecting provides easy-to So pmducis rl crnursger are utaelurers ia heep people with Sethe in tid when designe Produce "Throughard thepachagirg Artis Founda Lions Bao ofUse Commendation Program, manulaclurers an fil products fer ind pendent Feview bya panel made upafpe pr Sot heinreview with aebelis fis Eostnate Panel member the profucte zal on the lw produrtweigh, pack frg cressaomferl, aging, parfarmance Fequirad upkeep. simpliciy ard Shy. “Companies are reaizirg thal ware serviceslo Ufat productand righconsidered be athe Tiieedty can be said pul inka pros lice far anyone," Shannan “hotsoneteacher M.Ed. Carin Fd Heaithvice Bdtcat natSpeci af pra president (GHES), grate and seras fr the Arte ED PBoundation *We want to Tol thal theytheyhaveee+ paaple inhow Ghotce the products nd averyaneproducts can benefit From Thal usererly nal peope wih arthritis” Jul“rhecthrilia Foundation offer 2elect numer af lips ta belp people productsthal are cosy lo os* indding Besslelve, Think stout the lala thattascand are dialforyou sn bak fat pro Sieur ujonute staimay ‘toy mia ‘top mnon ode ‘Siglsnemd ‘atecanmoata slants Fan al Fer people are withease’to athe,toe et tainproducts land the arthritis Foundation makes theve products essesto fir ‘cm That con wake These Select products with Leste For example, when zelecling wilh drinkingaveglcoce glasewara, Bumpy svlerinee easierLo once prodsonth grsephan SPurchawe lightweight vat, copecally when ibcamee Lo Glsrirg ard kichenlols "Cask fr packaging al ie easy"keelhe loopenardbale doeard whist, nd tor productratheralar sole ed practical, than thoes ‘lhLack irenepose fr he Arthritis Feune datingBaoe ofUse Commer: tian Sealfar lsled and Crused produce Fora fre copy ofthe Arthritis Foundatins brochure, Your Aeliwiliens whichMeragira containg thie Goo) partorming everydayar tasks, Gait 25-7808 weil srwmarthritinarg. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190801-004634-20190801-004630-50086.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190801-004630-50086.pdf