"Anything Goes" Trip Thursday, March 1, 2001 (1APSA)—Par fans of mare ub rpusig, there may bona Beefs destination thancal Theaaf Sristend olf the aast Spain. Now, sparsred by entering 2 new swaeptales, by Kabhie Spd Bl Bricrtioment Television, 1 posible to wines UrteIne Isbnd paredie rs wackworth sfdancng th right 20a. Sweepstakes winners will ach Agust, trip tofir fee gel Ee Thamestecs and throsfends ‘The pris package fesurce frat= Gheeecommadsbine st 3 Ws idaed vil, including 3 pee Sta Sale shel stocked VIP bay, Uchete e-howws Ba. Soulieuraed The“additional allechit anprizes te lard include ahlda/E! Hat Spalgear Some trinnoes wil aia hevg tne oppor Miplots taturetan2Wi On ‘bene 21 gralder can anlar the sncopaises belwssn May 18 3nd Sch, 15,2001, wherever ahaa bald or by wilig Kahlua’ Eile at wwe kabluscom araeEl Enteriainmsnt Sigal carlinomTelavictrs Wb --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190801-113309-20190801-113304-50130.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190801-113304-50130.pdf