A New Super Food: Whole Grains Thursday, March 1, 2001 Nutrition A New Super Food: Whole Grains (NAPSA)-—Soy, nots, tea, fruits and vegetables have achieved something few foods da “super-food” status. Studies suggest they offer more than the average amount of health- Whole-Grain Roll Call Whole-Grais Food Serving Size Whole-grain cereals V ounce or 1/2 cup cooked Whate-grain breads | slice of bread, 1 small roll, 1/2 bagel Whele-grain pasta or brown rice 1/2 cup woked Whole-grain crackers 3-4 crackers Popcom 2 cups popped fulness---they seem to have the power to Borley, bulgur, quined 1/2 cup cooked improve health and of antiqzidants in foods found protect against certain diseases. Recent research indicates one that, cllectively, antioxidant activity }in. whole-grain cereals is more food may be able to claim the same superstar qualities: more p@werful than or at least whole grains. Within the past five equal tojthat found in most fruits and vegtables. years, whole grains have surfaced Fiber—Soluble fiber can lower as a food having significant health cholesterol by reducing the benefits. Cancer-—Forty studies looking amount that is absorbed in the at 20 different types of cancer body, and studies show it can found that regularly eating whole help reduce the total amount of grains as part of a low-fat diet fat a person eats in a day. Wholereduces the risk of several types of grain foods can be a good source cancer by as much 50 percent. offiber. Vitamins—-Whole grains conThe most impressive association @ is with cancers of the mouth, stomach, colon, gallbladder and ovary. Heart disease-—Whole grains are consistently Hnked with heart health. A review of 12 recent studies showed that regularly eating whole grains as part of a healthful diet could reduce heart disease tisk by as much as 26 percent. Diahetes—The Nurses’ Health study found that participants who ate more than two servings of whole grains a day had a 27-percent lowerrisk of developing Type 2 diabetes than women who ate less than one serving daily. What makes whole Brains great? Antioxidants--There are several in whole grains that may help protect the y from free radiwhich can damage cells and accelerate the clogging ofarteries and the growth of cancer cells. A study looking at the activity level Note to Editors: This i ries HI—23of26 tain many vitamins and minerals that, in addition to acting as pow- erful antioxidants, may perform in powerful ways to provide health benefits. The Whole Grain--When it comes to whole grains, the whole is truly greater than the sum. of its parts. No one grain. component can claim all the credit. Manydif- ferent parts of the grain work together to give whole grains their “super food”status. A Great Start Toward Totai Nutrition—-Aimfor at least three servings of whole-grain foods a day. (See Table.} To find whole- grain foods, forget color, look at Jabels. Find ones sporting the new whole-grain health claim. Check ingredientlists, toa. The first item listed should be a whole grain. Brought to you by Total cereals, breakfast cereals with 100%of the daily value of at least 11 vitamins and minerals. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190816-191742-20190816-191740-50775.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190816-191740-50775.pdf