Get Out Without Bugging Out Tuesday, March 1, 2016 Bugging Out (NAPSA)—Summertimeis fun time! But sometimes outdoor fun brings with it additional health and safety concerns. Bugs have always bugged us, but this year there is a growing concern about the risks associated with mosquitoes and other biting insects. These concerns include not only the potential impacts of getting bitten, but also the risks involved with the insect protection itself. Concerned { Aas An all-natural insect repellent can help your family stay safe from bug bites when playing outside. families are finding that all-natural insect repellents provide the same protection as many chemical DEET-basedrepellents without the negative effects on individual health and the environment. To make your family’s outdoor fun even better, consider these tips on how to get out without bugging out. *Dress right. Weather permitting, wear long pants, socks, closed shoes and long-sleeved shirts. *Use a porch fan to keep bugs away. Try burningcitronella candles. Avoid peak mosquito hours. Avoid the hours from dusk to dawn when planning hikes and outdoor fun. *Use an all-natural insect repellent to protect against mosquitoes, ticks, blackflies and gnats. Manyplant oils can provide effective and safe protection from biting, stinging pests, including geranium, cedarwood, citronella, peppermint and lemongrass. Look for natural products that are DEET-free. DEET has been shown to cause rashes, skin irritation, numb or burning lips, nausea, headaches anddizziness. Buzz Away Extremeis anall- natural andeffective option available in nonaerosol spray and child-friendly towelettes. It is as effective as low-concentration DEET-based products and provides hours of protection from mosquitoes. Learn More For further facts, see --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190801-022256-20190801-022254-85265.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190801-022254-85265.pdf